Integrative therapy combines multiple types of therapies and methods to form your individualized treatment plan. In drug and alcohol addiction rehab, this therapy program helps you uncover the root causes of your addiction. It also helps you treat past trauma and fill in gaps in your behavioral development. In essence, integrative therapy makes your treatment plan flexible and inclusive, using multiple pathways to achieve your goals.

The key factor in your integrative therapy program is you. Focusing on your specific needs is the foundation of this therapy approach. In other words, you receive treatment that suits your own needs, not the needs of someone else.

In decades past, rehab treatment formed according to doctors’ rigid beliefs. However, as time progressed, these specialists learned more about how individual treatment options provide greater results. That said, you receive the highest quality of care ever available, through integrative therapy approaches and addiction therapy services.

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What to Expect In an Integrative Therapy Program

Almost anyone benefits from an integrative therapy program, including children, teens, adults, and people with a wide range of mental and behavioral health problems. Therapies used together like this work in individual or group settings, with both of these settings creating a mix for best results. Besides individual and group therapy, family therapy also plays an essential role in your treatment plan and recovery.

Depression, anxiety, and personality disorder treatment all benefit from integrative therapy approaches. Whatever your mental health problems, your therapist combines multiple methods suited to your needs. In this way, the multi-faceted approach helps you achieve your recovery goals better than traditional types of therapy. Your therapist considers your spirituality, culture, motivation, physical abilities, needs, preferences, and characteristics to build your treatment plan.

Therapy depends on your unique needs and goals. For instance, if you’re socially anxious, your therapist will employ different tools than someone who’s struggling with compulsive behaviors. Your integrative mental health care plan enables you to develop life skills and coping strategies in a tailored way. Additionally, it helps therapists respond to the effects of trauma or illness.

There are many benefits of integrative mental health care. These include the following:

  • Faster recovery times for anxiety or depression
  • Reduced symptoms of personality disorders
  • Stabilization of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders
  • Better resilience in managing PTSD or trauma
  • Greater success for those with substance use issues

Additionally, as you address your mental health needs holistically, you can identify the root causes of problems. This helps you make positive changes in other areas of your life as well. You learn to advocate for yourself and live a more fulfilling life.

Integrative Approach to Counseling

When you need options for your therapy, the integrative approach includes any of more than 400 types. Each of these offers its own approaches, benefits, and timelines. So to narrow the field of your own options, your therapist meets with you to get to know you. Your first few sessions focus on uncovering your needs, setting goals, and developing the ideal mix of approaches for your treatment.

Your therapist at Crestview Recovery in Portland has access to many types of therapy for your best recovery. But the methods used in treatment meet a high standard of care. That is, science and research support the approaches as working well for people with your specific needs. This standard ensures you gain the results you need with the potential for long-term sobriety.

With options for your therapy program come options for your therapists, too. But at Crestview Recovery, your therapist holds the appropriate licenses, certifications, education, and experience to provide your therapy.

Crestview Recovery in Portland, OR Provides Integrative Rehab Treatment

When you find yourself ready to achieve lasting recovery, you must address your deepest needs for that recovery to take place. For your therapist, this means leaving no stone unturned in therapy. It also means building a flexible plan with the right therapies. At Crestview Recovery in Portland, your therapist takes advantage of a wide range of these resources, methods, and approaches. Integrative therapy examples include:

  • Aftercare and extended care
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy program
  • Integrative therapy
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Trauma therapy with masters-level therapists

Call Crestview Recovery in Portland now to learn more about integrative therapy and your options for rehab treatment. You can enjoy a brighter future in sobriety, so call Crestview Recovery now at (866)262-0531.

Integrative Therapy

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