Cocaine has been abused for decades, gaining a long list of street names used to disguise its identity. Common slang terms like blow, snow, coke, and white girl vary by region and culture but are…
We’ve all, at some point in our lives, had moments where we have doubted certain memories from our past. Usually, this stems from evidence that things happened differently from how you remembered.
When people think of co-occurring disorders, they often think of a substance issue and a mental health issue. However, that is not the only type of co-occurring disorder. Another example of a co-occurring disorder is…
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant with a significant presence worldwide. Its widespread use has led to the creation of numerous slang terms to describe it.
Anxiety is the body’s natural reaction to stress. In fact, anxiety is something many of us experience on a fairly regular basis based on a number of factors.
Cocaine addiction can cause a range of disturbing psychological and physical effects, including a phenomenon known as "cocaine bugs." This experience, also referred to as formication, is when users feel as if insects are crawling…
Drug use can take many forms, making it difficult to recognize at times. One of the most commonly overlooked substances is nitrous oxide, often referred to as 'whippets.'
If you’re thinking about quitting alcohol, you’re already taking the first step toward a healthier, more fulfilling life. Whether you're struggling with daily drinking, experiencing negative consequences, or simply feeling like alcohol has too much…
Addiction is an all-encompassing disease that can impact a person’s quality of life, relationships, and their physical health. This condition not only impacts behavior and relationships but also alters the very structure and function of…
Addiction is unique in that it is both a physical and mental disease. While addiction causes many physical ailments and side effects, it begins in the brain, changing the way a person thinks, feels, and…
Located in Portland, Oregon, Crestview Recovery offers individualized addiction treatment programs. Our low staff-to-client ratio allows for personalized attention and evidence-based care. Our proven clinical approaches help individuals identify the underlying causes of their addiction while teaching them effective coping strategies for lasting recovery.
Crestview Recovery Portland works with most national insurance providers to ensure clients have access to the help they need. Our admissions specialists will work with your insurance company to verify your benefits so that you can focus on your drug addiction recovery.