Detoxification, also known as detox, is your first step to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Detox programs prepare you for comprehensive rehab treatment, where you gain all of the therapies, education, and skills you need for lasting recovery. Supervised detox helps you avoid the worst symptoms of withdrawal and keeps you comfortable as you begin on the road to sobriety.

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Detox Is Your First Step in Recovery

The most important thing to bear in mind as you begin detox is that withdrawal is only one step in several toward recovery. If you leave your path to recovery without completing all the necessary steps, your destiny is a return to drugs and alcohol.

Many people leave detox thinking they’re strong enough to avoid their substances of choice. But recovery isn’t just about avoiding things that are bad for you. Rehab is where you learn how to cope with feelings, triggers, and temptations that led you into drug or alcohol abuse in the first place. For stable, lifelong recovery, you need to learn about your addiction, how it began and how to keep it from happening again.

A few Detox Programs at Crestview Recovery include:

The Help of Detox Programs

Addiction is both psychological and physical. When you quit drug or alcohol use, detox programs help you get through withdrawal symptoms that affect both mind and body. Detox can be an intense experience, one requiring the help of medical professionals and counselors.

In detox, you may experience a variety of symptoms, such as sweating, anxiety, agitation, depression, muscle aches, abdominal cramps, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms aren’t life-threatening, but they are uncomfortable. Detox professionals are on hand to help you stay comfortable and relaxed throughout this process.

Alcohol and some drugs cause more harmful withdrawal effects than just discomfort. Withdrawing from some of these substances causes heart palpitations, high blood pressure, fever, suicidal thoughts, seizures, coma or even death. During withdrawal from these substances, being in a secure, safe and supervised setting keeps you healthy during withdrawal.

How you experience detox depends upon many factors of your substance use and addiction. These factors include:

  • Length of your addiction
  • Types of substances abused
  • Whether you engaged in polysubstance use
  • Amount used with each dose
  • Frequency of use
  • Presence of co-occurring conditions
  • Genetics and family history of substance use

No matter what substances you abused, detoxing in your choice of professional detox program provides the safety and security you need for healthy detox. You also need to build strength for rehab. In detox programs that provide nutritional support, hydration, yoga, meditation, massage or even spaces of fresh air and sunshine, you strengthen for rehab as you go through comfortable withdrawal.

The rehab facility you choose will help you find the right detox program for your most comfortable withdrawal. Rehabs have connections with these facilities and can advise you on which will meet your needs. Then, after drug and alcohol detox, you’ll transition into rehab where recovery truly begins.

Your New Life Begins in Rehab

At Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon, people just like you begin a new life of freedom from drugs and alcohol. Crestview Recovery provides multiple levels of care for men and women, including:

Counselors provide a variety of therapies at Crestview Recovery, including individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, trauma therapy and dual diagnosis therapy. At Crestview Recovery you gain the solid foundation of recovery you need for lifelong sobriety.

If you or someone you love are ready for freedom from drugs or alcohol, call Crestview Recovery at (866)262-0531. People from all over the Pacific Northwest gain lasting recovery at Crestview Recovery. You can too.


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