Over the Counter Drug Addiction Rehab

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People often worry about the dangers of prescription drugs. However, experts say that there’s just as much to fear from over-the-counter drugs. The drugs that people don’t need a prescription for can be just as addictive as their prescription counterparts. Unfortunately, the epidemic surrounding nonprescription drugs typically flies under the radars of parents and other family members.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to prescription medication, over-the-counter drugs, or alcohol, Crestview Recovery can help. Reach out to our team at (866)262-0531 or connect with us online today to learn more about our over-the-counter drug addiction rehab in Portland.

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The Use of Over-the-Counter Drugs Is on the Rise

Studies show that the use of over-the-counter drugs continues to rise. Teens and young adults are the largest demographic of nonprescription drug abusers. Experts believe that teens choose these drugs because of how easy they are to get.

Most teens or young adults can walk right into any store and buy nonprescription drugs. Many homes have nonprescription drugs lying around in some form or another. In fact, you may not have thought about hiding or locking up these types of drugs.

However, it’s not just teens and young adults who abuse these drugs. Adults are just as likely to struggle with an addiction to over-the-counter drugs. Experts believe that adults can turn to these medications when they can no longer get a prescription for their drugs of choice. Over-the-counter drugs are cheaper and easier to access than street drugs, and they can also be appealing because an individual is unlikely to get into legal trouble for possession of a nonprescription drug. However, just because these substances are legal does not mean that they are safe.


Dangers of Nonprescription Drugs

Although people can get their hands on these drugs without a prescription, they can still be dangerous. In fact, some experts argue that they’re more dangerous because they’re so easy to get. Some nonprescription drugs that people abuse include:

  • Cough medicines – These medications can cause a potent high, but they can also lead to breathing problems and even brain damage.
  • Anti-drowsiness medication – High doses of caffeine can cause a variety of health issues.
  • Pain relievers – Excessive amounts of acetaminophen or other OTC pain relievers can cause liver or kidney damage.
  • Diet pills – When taken in excessive amounts, these drugs can cause heart issues.

Of the nonprescription drugs that people abuse, it might be hard to believe that diet pills are one of them. Some believe that people abuse diet pills because they want to lose weight. However, many diet pills work like stimulants in the body.

The stimulating effect is what makes the body burn more calories. However, people who abuse diet pills start to crave the feeling. Abusing diet pills often causes tremors, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and irritability. Over time, the side effects can escalate into a heart attack, stroke, or even death.

Anti-drowsiness medication includes drugs that contain caffeine, such as NoDoz. Caffeine is a stimulant that makes people feel more alert and awake. However, studies show that it’s addictive in large amounts. People can suffer anxiety and irritability when they withdrawal from caffeine.

The dangers of abusing caffeine include dehydration, anxiety attacks, and heart attack. Drinking large amounts of caffeine can also lead to heart irregularities and gastric reflux problems. In young adults, too much caffeine can be dangerous. Many of them consume large amounts of caffeine via energy drinks.

Our Approach to Over-the-Counter Drug Rehab

At Crestview Recovery, we know how serious over-the-counter drug addiction can be. Our experienced, compassionate team members can help you overcome any drug problem, including nonprescription abuse. Some of the different substance use treatment options that we offer include:

At Crestview Recovery, we keep group sizes small. This strategy makes it easy to give all of our clients the time and attention that they need. We even create custom treatment plans to fit our patients’ needs.

These personalized treatment plans may include therapies such as trauma, individual, group, and family therapies. We also provide dual diagnosis treatment for those who suffer from mental health issues in conjunction with addiction.

Don’t waste another day of your life fighting addiction alone. Reach out to us today to see how the right addiction treatment programs can make all the difference. Contact Crestview Recovery at (866)262-0531 or reach out to our team online to learn more about our Portland treatment center.

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