Xanax is a benzodiazepine that is chemically similar to Rohypnol, the date rape drug. When patients use Xanax correctly and under medical supervision, this drug can provide relief for certain anxiety disorders. However, there’s also the risk for Xanax addiction. This is particularly true among those who abuse the drug for recreational purposes. Take a closer look at Xanax, its effects on the body, how it can lead to dependence, and what a Xanax addiction rehab program and substance use treatments in Portland look like at Crestview Recovery.

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Xanax is the name-brand version of alprazolam, a prescription medication for anxiety and other disorders. This drug belongs to the benzodiazepine class and is colloquially known as bars, xanies, footballs, and ladders. Typically, physicians prescribe it to patients who suffer from conditions such as insomnia, panic attacks, or anxiety disorders.

Unfortunately, a number of people who use Xanax on a regular basis do so without a prescription. They may buy it illegally or even steal it from friends and family members who have a legitimate prescription.


Xanax is one of the most widely prescribed drugs for treating anxiety and panic disorders. It is part of a group of medications known as benzodiazepines, which work by calming overactive brain chemicals. While this can provide much-needed relief to those suffering from these conditions, it can also lead to addiction if misused or abused. People experience a sense of euphoria when they take Xanax, which can be difficult to resist.

Additionally, tolerance to the drug can develop quickly, which means that people will need to take more to get the same effect. Other risks associated with Xanax addiction include depression and suicidal thoughts, impaired judgment, hallucinations, and liver damage. If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to Xanax, it’s important to seek professional help right away.


Doctors most often prescribe Xanax to reduce symptoms of anxiety. It can create a feeling of warmth and relaxation, which may help some users to unwind, relax or relieve stress. Of course, though, those effects don’t paint the full picture. Using Xanax also brings a number of negative side effects.

For some people, taking or overdosing on Xanax can create unpleasant physical symptoms. Nausea and headaches are two uncomfortable side effects that users commonly report. Since Xanax causes a sedative effect, it can also cause extreme drowsiness. This may cause users to experience difficulty waking up or prolonged periods of sleep. Light-headedness is common, and cognitive function frequently decreases. Memory loss is possible as well, and many users feel sluggish and can’t concentrate.


While the immediate physical symptoms of Xanax are problematic, the long-term effects are even worse. A Xanax addiction, or even a period of prolonged abuse, can lead to serious, harmful conditions. People who buy counterfeit Xanax are at risk of consuming fentanyl, a drug 100 times more powerful than morphine.

Cognitive impairment is one of the more common and most worrying effects of Xanax abuse. Long-term users may struggle with a lack of coordination, or they may get disoriented easily. In addition, slurred speech is also possible. It’s worth noting that these conditions appear even hours, or a full day, after taking Xanax.

Woman in bed experiencing Xanax side effects
Psychiatric Disorder Treatment


Spotting addictions to Xanax can be tricky. Even on a personal level, users of Xanax may not want to admit to dependence. One of the biggest signs is a drastic change in energy levels. Those who need Xanax addiction rehab may appear chronically drowsy and always feel lethargic. Even their favorite hobbies and pastimes won’t be enough to increase their energy levels.

Another sign of dependence is doctor shopping. Often, doctors begin to realize that patients are forming addictions and stop prescribing Xanax. Individuals with severe addictions may begin visiting more than one doctor, pharmacy or clinic in order to fill a Xanax prescription.


Xanax addiction is an illness, and the only way to overcome it is through qualified addiction treatment programs. Prescription drug addiction rehab programs target the physical and emotional connection to Xanax and can prepare patients for a lifetime of sobriety. While there is a multitude of substance use treatments available, the very best facilities, like Crestview Recovery, offer the following:

Overcoming a Xanax addiction can be a unique challenge, but the right resources can make all the difference. Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon, offers quality treatment methods, including a men’s drug rehab program and a women’s drug rehab program to help you gain freedom from prescription drugs. Call (866)262-0531 to start taking steps toward recovery right away.

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Xanax Addiction Rehab in Portland

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