Addiction Therapy

How Long Does Synthetic Marijuana Stay In Your System?

Synthetic weed, also known as Spice and K2, mimics the effects of cannabis but has dangerous side effects. Sellers often market it as a natural product. However, it actually contains synthetic cannabinoids and some herbs. People often use synthetic weed if cannabis is illegal in their state or if they don’t want the drug to

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OCD Is Ruining My Life

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is a common, chronic, and long-lasting mental health disorder that causes a person to have recurring and uncontrollable thoughts. We refer to these as obsessions. People with this condition also suffer from compulsions that involve the urge to repeat certain actions again and again. Sometimes psychiatrists will prescribe anti-anxiety

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A man who is very aware of the heroin withdrawal timeline

Heroin Withdrawal Timeline

The heroin withdrawal timeline describes how long it takes for the drug to leave the body and withdrawal symptoms to subside. While detox and withdrawal can take place at an addiction treatment center, some people try to self-detox at home. This is a dangerous practice that may cause relapse, overdose, and fatality. To avoid the

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A doctor authoring facts about prescription drugs

Facts About Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs are some of the most dangerous substances in the United States. Despite coming at the recommendations of medical professionals, these substances often have high abuse and addiction potentials. In fact, there are more people struggling with prescription drug abuse than there are users of meth, cocaine, and heroin combined. These facts about prescription

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Doctor handling addiction medicine

How Addiction Medicine Works

Drug addiction is not something that people can just stop on their own without professional help. Since addiction is a disease, they require help when dealing with and recovering from it. For some people, addiction treatment is enough to put them on the road to recovery. Others require addiction medicines to help them get well.

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A man and a woman engaged in activities for addiction recovery

How Certain Activities Can Help with Addiction 

What is going to help you to keep up with life around you while maintaining your sobriety? What activities for addiction recovery are helpful? For those who are thinking about leaving rehab and starting on the journey of recovery, it’s hard to realize you have to do all of the work in the real world

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5 Key Steps in an Addiction Treatment Plan

Addiction is a disease. Like any disease, the only way to fight it is with a medical treatment plan and the support and resources of medical professionals. While all patients are unique, an example of a treatment plan at Crestview Recovery can help explain the typical process of recovery from addiction. Need to know more

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