Addiction Therapy

Benefits of Meditation for People in Addiction Recovery

During rehab and beyond, there are dozens of treatment methods that can aid in recovery. One of methods that people don’t utilize enough, but is often incredibly effective, is meditation. Explore some benefits of meditation for addiction recovery. Meditation is the practice of focusing one’s mind on a particular object, subject, or activity. It can […]

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Why Drinking and Driving is Dangerous

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Even a small amount can impair judgment and coordination. Larger amounts can make it dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car. The more you drink before driving, the more likely you are to cause a fatal accident. The consequences of drinking and driving can’t be overstated.

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a woman tapping a teens shoulder

Understanding Levels of Care During Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment

One should always be careful when looking at addiction treatment options for themselves or a loved one. There are many different options out there, and some are more beneficial than others. Not only does the level of care make a difference, but the type of treatment matters too. Rather than taking a guess at treatment

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How to Detox from Alcohol

Some people struggling with alcoholism are curious as to how to detox from alcohol. Many of them don’t understand that it takes the help of medical professionals. Trying to self-detox can be very dangerous because of how the substance affects your vital organs. Many years ago, society believed those who attempted detox without medical assistance

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man with addiction problem seeking treatment

What Makes a Good Substance Use Treatment Center?

Whether you want help with addiction for yourself or a loved one, recovery is possible. Individuals who suffer from addiction can get proper care and support at substance use treatment centers.  Substance use treatment centers are facilities where people suffering from addiction receive medical care and support while overcoming their drug or alcohol problems. These

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A woman thinking about hydromorphone vs morphine

The Dangerous Reality of Morphine Side Effects

Morphine has always been a great painkiller for patients recovering from intense pain. However, the positive effects of morphine also make it attractive to those seeking an opiate high. Unfortunately, the drug brings with it a good deal of morphine side effects. These side effects cause damage in both the short-term and the long-term. They

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The Worst Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

Though it’s illegal, it’s not uncommon for kids to start drinking in high school or early in college. When they enter adult life, most cut back on the alcohol. Those who don’t come face-to-face with the long term effects of alcohol abuse, especially binge drinking. People have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years. However,

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Art Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Complementary or holistic rehab programs in Oregon are becoming more popular. They are seen as effective treatments for addiction, particularly when combined with other treatments. Art therapy for addiction treatment is often combined with the 12-step program. These two complement each other and allow you to heal in different ways while you are in recovery. What Is Art

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