
Holidays in Recovery: Four Tips for Staying Sober New Year’s

Most people have their favorite holiday, and many choose that week-long stretch at the end of every year that encompasses Christmas and New Year’s. However, for someone who’s in recovery from drugs or alcohol, these few days can be the most trying of the year. If you’re worried about staying sober on New Year’s, contact […]

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Do I Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment? Your Helpful Guide

When addiction strikes, you may find yourself researching various types of treatment options. For example, you’ve heard about having a dual diagnosis but don’t know if this care option is right for you. As a result, you keep asking, “Do I need dual diagnosis treatment?” instead of just getting treatment. Thankfully, we are here to

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Quarantine and Recovery: Making the Best of a Difficult Time

There are times when recovery can be more difficult, but that does not mean you should shy away from it. For example, while quarantine is going on, this could be the perfect time to get healthy and seek help from an addiction treatment center in Portland, OR. Then you can focus on quarantine and recovery,

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Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction? An Exploration of These Possibilities

A growing number of rehab centers are integrating alternative care options into their treatment plans. For example, mindfulness meditation has become a popular option for many going through addiction treatment. However, you may ask yourself whether mindfulness meditation can be effective. It can be challenging for many people to believe that a simple technique like mindfulness

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How Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Work

Therapists at dual diagnosis treatment centers recognize that co-occurring disorders are at the root of some substance use cases. If this is true for you or a loved one, you need specific help that only dual diagnosis treatment centers can provide. What can you expect from one of these treatment programs? Can they accomplish what other

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How to Lower Your Stress During the Holidays 

The holidays are stressful for so many reasons. For a person struggling with mental health or substance use concerns, normal holiday stress can feel unmanageable. Dealing with difficult family members, financial stress, and feeling pressure to make everything perfect have the potential to derail even the most carefully planned holiday events. In this blog post,

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Understanding the Dual Diagnosis Definition

The term dual diagnosis describes an individual who meets the diagnostic criteria for a mental health concern and a diagnosable substance use concern. Many of the doctor-prescribed medications that alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, pain, and chronic fatigue impair people’s ability to self-regulate and stick with an effective dose. If you are concerned that you

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group of people sitting in a circle and clapping their hands

Aquatic Therapy Benefits

People in early recovery often experience frustrating bouts of insomnia. Swimming laps or taking part in water aerobics are gentle ways to get your heart rate up during the day. Humans are physical beings—from an evolutionary perspective, we aren’t built for sedentary lifestyles. Having an active daytime routine helps regulate circadian rhythms to promote deep,

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