Alcohol Addiction

alcohol addiction

What Are the First Signs of Kidney Damage From Alcohol?

The major function of the kidneys is to remove waste and extra fluid from the body. The kidneys help regulate and maintain the balance of chemicals in the body. When alcohol is in your system, these functions may become impaired, leading to health issues. Long-term use of alcohol can even lead to kidney failure.

Drinking alcohol takes a toll on your body and may lead to unwanted health consequences. If you or a loved one is having trouble controlling their drinking habits, consider professional treatment options, such as the addiction recovery programs at Crestview Recovery.

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sunrise over water

What is Step 2 in AA?

The second step of the 12 Steps in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is, “We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Believing in a higher power is a a core principle of our 12 step rehab recovery program in Oregon. Crestview Recovery teaches residents the 12 steps to overcome addiction to substances, although the 12 steps is traditionally meant for alcohol abuse.

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wine glass

What Is Alcohol Nose?

Alcohol nose is a condition that disfigures and discolors the nose. Medically, this is referred to as Rhinophyma, but people also call this condition “alcoholic nose”, “whiskey nose”, and “gin blossom nose”. It’s a common reaction some people experience when they drink alcohol. Alcohol nose causes a person’s face, especially the cheeks and nose, to become red and sometimes even swollen.

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etg alcohol test

What is an EtG Alcohol Test?

An EtG (ethyl glucuronide) alcohol test is an alcohol screening method that checks whether a person has consumed alcoholic beverages within the few days leading up to the test. EtG tests are mainly used to document abstinence from alcohol, particularly in rehab programs and probation programs.

Learn the where’s and hows of EtG testing, its accuracy and its uses, how you can prepare for the test to ensure the most accurate results, and how Crestview can help you or your loved one along the road to recovery. Our alcohol rehab in Portland, Oregon, can help you recover from alcohol addiction and stay sober.

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Two people discussing the tendencies of a high-functioning addict

Signs You are Dealing With a High-Functioning Addict

Signs of a high-functioning addict can be hard to spot when you aren’t sure what to look for. Drug treatment programs provide successful treatment to those who are actively addicted to substances but good at hiding their addiction. It’s not easy to function as an addict, but some people are very good at hiding what they

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A young woman who has utilized tips for addiction recovery

5 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment programs are challenging, but they have many benefits that come from the hard work you will put into it. This is not a process that you have to go through on your own. Addiction treatment help is available to you from a range of professionals and, in some cases, family. With a few

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Doctor handling addiction medicine

How Addiction Medicine Works

Drug addiction is not something that people can just stop on their own without professional help. Since addiction is a disease, they require help when dealing with and recovering from it. For some people, addiction treatment is enough to put them on the road to recovery. Others require addiction medicines to help them get well.

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Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Why is it that some people can drink or use drugs socially while others develop addictions? If you or someone you love is experiencing drug and alcohol dependence, you’re probably asking yourself this very question. Fortunately, the answers might help you to understand addiction and give you insights into how to free yourself from this

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Upset woman worried about overcoming labels in recovery

Overcoming Labels in Addiction Recovery

When you are facing addiction, or you know someone who is, you often realize that there are a lot of labels that get placed on people who struggle with addiction. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome labels in recovery and the way they can make you feel. What you need is a beautiful place to

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