
A woman in need of an OCD treatment program

What to Do If OCD Is Making it Hard to Live Your Life

Living with OCD can be incredibly overwhelming. Moreover, it can be hard for loved ones to understand how OCD affects someone. If you or someone you love is worried OCD is ruining your life, there are now OCD treatment programs to help recognize triggers and treat OCD with evidence-based and holistic therapies. If you or

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A woman in therapy confronting the causes of childhood trauma

5 Common Causes of Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can have lingering effects that are felt long into adulthood and seriously impact people’s mental health. It can cause depression and anxiety and negatively impact work and personal relationships. There are multiple causes of childhood trauma that can impact children now and in the future. Starting treatment for childhood trauma today is essential

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3 Most Commonly Diagnosed Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatric disorders affect millions of adults and children across the U.S. every year. While there are several effective treatment programs available, many people choose to suffer alone or don’t have close access to quality mental health care. Some of the most common psychiatric disorders that people struggle with are treatable through a combination of behavioral

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a woman doing yoga

How Can Meditation Help with Anxiety?

Meditation for anxiety offers men and women a natural way to stop panicky feelings and racing thoughts that are common with anxiety. It has proven to be effective in reducing many anxiety symptoms and can be used in tense situations to focus your thoughts and complete the task at hand. Meditation therapy is just one

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a woman tapping the shoulder of a patient

What are the Signs of a Dissociative Disorder?

Dissociative disorder is a rare mental health disorder that causes a person to feel disconnected from themselves and reality. Moreover, it affects nearly five million men and women across the country each year and is treatable through behavioral therapy and medication. Recognizing the signs of dissociative disorder is important to get a friend or loved

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a man touching a woman shoulder

What is Motivational Enhancement Therapy?

What is motivational enhancement therapy (MET)? It’s a therapeutic program that increases a person’s motivation to make positive life changes. Specifically for men and women who have an addiction to alcohol, marijuana, and other mental health disorders. It’s a form of behavioral therapy that has proven to be effective in treating addiction to multiple substances.

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girl on a residential rehab

What to Look for in an Inpatient Depression Treatment Center

Depression affects men and women of all ages and backgrounds and can seriously impact their health and happiness. While some people may only experience mild depression that only lasts a few weeks, others may experience major depressive disorder that can last for several months or longer. An inpatient depression treatment center gives clients a discreet

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a man and woman sitting in a circle

Finding a Psychiatrist in Portland, Oregon

Psychiatrists in Portland are trained professionals who can help you. They have experience working with men and women from all walks of life who are struggling with their mental health. Furthermore, they specialize in treating a number of conditions, such as depression, substance use, marital or family issues, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other panic disorders.

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