Drug Addiction

A man who is very aware of the heroin withdrawal timeline

What the Heroin Epidemic is Doing to America

Over the past decade, heroin consumption has increased fivefold. As heroin use increases, more and more people suffer as a result. The effects of the heroin epidemic can be felt everywhere in America. Clearly, it will take decisive action to turn it around. Prescription Drugs are on the Rise Heroin is an opiate. A person […]

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A woman thinking about hydromorphone vs morphine

The Dangerous Reality of Morphine Side Effects

Morphine has always been a great painkiller for patients recovering from intense pain. However, the positive effects of morphine also make it attractive to those seeking an opiate high. Unfortunately, the drug brings with it a good deal of morphine side effects. These side effects cause damage in both the short-term and the long-term. They

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a woman lying on a couch while looking at a glass of red wine

What Causes an Addiction to Lean Drink?

When doctors prescribe medications, they tell their patients about potential side effects. These medications may contain powerful drugs designed to alleviate pain and other symptoms. What happens when people mix drugs at home? There are still effects, but users may be unaware of what they are. Knowing about lean drink side effects can alert you

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a man pointing his fingers upwards

Most Common Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Overcoming an addiction to cocaine can be a long and challenging process. It often starts with detox, where patients work through withdrawal symptoms. Learn more about cocaine withdrawal, how long it takes and what symptoms to prepare for. This can help you feel ready to tackle treatment and start working toward lasting cocaine addiction recovery.

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Therapy for Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a chronic, deadly condition characterized by compulsive and uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior and drug use despite harmful consequences and changes in brain chemistry. Drug addiction is also a relapsing disease. Relapse involves the return to drug use after recognizing the consequences and trying to stop using drugs. Contact Crestview Recovery to learn more

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Holidays in Recovery: Four Tips for Staying Sober New Year’s

Most people have their favorite holiday, and many choose that week-long stretch at the end of every year that encompasses Christmas and New Year’s. However, for someone who’s in recovery from drugs or alcohol, these few days can be the most trying of the year. If you’re worried about staying sober on New Year’s, contact

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