Drug Addiction

a woman with headache holding her head

Modafinil and Alcohol

People with certain sleep disorders may find that taking Modafinil is helpful for their condition. However, mixing modafinil and alcohol may cause a range of serious interactions. Some people may develop an increased tolerance for alcohol. Others may experience blackouts. If you are struggling with problems due to mixing Modafinil and alcohol, contact our Modafinil [...]

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a man speaking in front of a group while sitting in circle

What Drug Addiction Recovery is Like

Considering addiction therapy can be frightening if you’re currently in your active addiction. One of the primary reasons for this fear is that addiction drastically changes your brain. It affects the part of your brain that controls your survival needs, like food and water. The issue is that this part of the brain now process

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Understanding the Opiate Overdose Timeline

Opiate addiction is a dangerous health problem that often ends in the same way for many people: overdose. The growing number of overdose deaths – and overdose injuries – make it critical to understand the opiate overdose timeline fully. Unfortunately, this element can be unpredictable and varies massively from person to person. Nonetheless, it is

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