Drug Addiction

Man experiencing the signs of benzo abuse

What are the Signs of Benzo Abuse?

Are you or a loved one is taking benzodiazepines? If so, it’s important to be aware of the signs of benzo abuse before starting this medication. Benzodiazepines, or benzos for short, are a type of central nervous system depressant that treats insomnia, anxiety, and panic disorders. They produce a calming effect by slowing the neurotransmitter

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A man who is very aware of the heroin withdrawal timeline

Heroin Withdrawal Timeline

The heroin withdrawal timeline describes how long it takes for the drug to leave the body and withdrawal symptoms to subside. While detox and withdrawal can take place at an addiction treatment center, some people try to self-detox at home. This is a dangerous practice that may cause relapse, overdose, and fatality. To avoid the

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Man sampling some commonly abused painkillers

3 of the Most Commonly Abused Painkillers

Finding an effective pain medication is imperative after recovery from surgery, a car accident, or for those living with chronic pain. Some of the commonly abused painkillers on the market today can treat pain successfully. However, this is only true when following the prescription and not taking it with other drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, most

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A man in treatment at a meth rehab center in Portland

Meth Rehab Center in Portland, Oregon

Methamphetamine, or meth, is a highly addictive illegal stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It can also cause a serious addiction after a few uses. The Portland area is currently seeing an increase in the number of overdose deaths due to meth. Sadly, nearly half of the overdose deaths involve more than one substance.

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Two people holding hands and trying to deal with the opioid epidemic

Understanding the Opioid Epidemic and How to Protect Your Loved Ones

Opioids are a natural pain reliever derived from the poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, and are used to treat intense pain caused by a number of issues. The opioid epidemic began in the early 1990s when doctors began prescribing opioids for pain without fully understanding their addictive capabilities and potential for abuse. Today, drug-related deaths caused

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Two people discussing the tendencies of a high-functioning addict

Signs You are Dealing With a High-Functioning Addict

Signs of a high-functioning addict can be hard to spot when you aren’t sure what to look for. Drug treatment programs provide successful treatment to those who are actively addicted to substances but good at hiding their addiction. It’s not easy to function as an addict, but some people are very good at hiding what they

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A doctor authoring facts about prescription drugs

Facts About Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs are some of the most dangerous substances in the United States. Despite coming at the recommendations of medical professionals, these substances often have high abuse and addiction potentials. In fact, there are more people struggling with prescription drug abuse than there are users of meth, cocaine, and heroin combined. These facts about prescription

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A person who may need to think about their cough syrup abuse

Cough Syrup Abuse

Your medicine cabinet may cause the death of a loved one in your home due to cough syrup abuse. It may surprise parents and caretakers to know that medicine cabinets filled with seemingly harmless OTC (over the counter) cough syrups, can be life-threatening. A substance use treatment center in Portland Oregon can help with cough

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