Drug Addiction

a man tapping the shoulder of a woman

How Meth Affects the Brain and Body

Meth affects the chemical balance in the brain and every major organ in the body. Because of its effects, people who abuse the drug can suffer a lot of mental and physical damage. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, meth is one of the most addictive drugs in the world. In fact, it’s […]

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a man tapping the shoulder of a woman

How Long Does Suboxone Stay In Your System?

The United States is currently battling an opioid epidemic, with approximately 2.1 million Americans addicted. As a result, a synthetic drug called Suboxone was made to help opioid addicts. It provides a lower dose of opioid ingredients for weaning drug rehab clients through detox. Plus, the drug’s naloxone protects people from overdosing when the drug

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a man wearing glasses talking to therapist

Valium vs. Xanax

Valium and Xanax are both sedatives in the benzodiazepine class of drugs. People take benzodiazepines to eliminate anxiety in order to function, sleep, or cope. Unfortunately, benzodiazepines like Valium and Xanax lose their effectiveness when taken regularly, especially at increasing doses. High doses of benzodiazepines definitely prevent anxiety, but they also impair people’s ability to

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a man crying while his hand is on his chest

The Importance of 90-Day Rehab Programs

Many rehab centers that offer inpatient programs include options for up to 90 days. Long-term residential treatment gives people who struggle with addiction intensive therapy. It also provides the tools that they need to overcome addiction and remain sober. Learn more about what’s included at our 90-day drug addiction treatment center and the benefits of

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a man tapping the shoulder of a woman

What are the Symptoms of Cocaine Overdose?

Cocaine has long been a popular stimulant that is only available illegally. The substance is derived from the coca plant and grown in South America. It is well known for its short term effect of creating a feeling of euphoria. In addition, it can make a user feel extremely energized, increase sexual desires, and squash

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