Drug Information

An example of purple drank

What is Purple Drank?

In the early 2000s, purple drank gained widespread popularity in the United States, particularly among hip-hop and rap communities. This was due to its frequent mentions in popular music as well as high-profile celebrity endorsements. In addition, a number of media reports ran stories about celebrities’ use of the drink, giving it more attention and

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Woman dating an alcoholic

Is Dating an Alcoholic Dangerous?

If you’re dating someone and you’re concerned about their level of drinking, it’s important to take time to consider that carefully. Dating an alcoholic can be stressful, and in some cases, you may wonder, is dating an alcoholic dangerous? Fortunately, there’s help and hope for people who want to get clean and sober. If you

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Therapist and patient discussing an opioid overdose

How To Respond To An Opioid Overdose

In 2015 in the United States alone, more than 33,000 people died as a result of an opioid overdose. More than half of those overdoses were a result of prescription opioids. That statistic is terrifying. Sadly, there are more. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has collected statistics on opioid use and abuse. Here are

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Man experiencing the effects of cocaine use

Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a schedule II drug that physicians occasionally prescribe for its stimulant properties. Users may abuse cocaine for its rapid-onset high, but there are also several adverse effects of cocaine. These effects are physical and psychological, and they can be both long and short-term. Do you need to know more about cocaine addiction rehab?

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