Drug Information

a man pointing his fingers upwards

Most Common Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Overcoming an addiction to cocaine can be a long and challenging process. It often starts with detox, where patients work through withdrawal symptoms. Learn more about cocaine withdrawal, how long it takes and what symptoms to prepare for. This can help you feel ready to tackle treatment and start working toward lasting cocaine addiction recovery.

Most Common Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Read More »

a woman addicted to meth

Vicodin and Teeth Extractions: The Real Risks You Need to Know

Each year, dental surgery professionals remove an estimated 10 million wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Unlike other teeth in the mouth, wisdom teeth are deep-rooted. Removal may cause a few days of intense pain. Because Vicodin and teeth extractions of this nature are very common, many patients find themselves faced with either taking prescribed

Vicodin and Teeth Extractions: The Real Risks You Need to Know Read More »

woman in therapy to treat meth addiction

Is Meth Physically Addictive?

Is meth physically addictive? When it comes to the most habit-forming substances, methamphetamine is near the top of the list. The highly addictive narcotic results in many devastating effects on physical and emotional health, even after just short-term use. The majority of people who develop a meth dependence will require high-quality addiction treatment programs to

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rehab near lake oswego

Top 5 Most Drug-Infested Cities in the U.S.

Drugs don’t just impact specific populations or certain cities. Fentanyl, cocaine, meth, oxycodone, and heroin cause significant issues around the country. However, in America’s five most drug-infested cities, there is an acute need for more drug education, awareness, and addiction treatment programs. If you feel like you have lost yourself in drug addiction, a long-term

Top 5 Most Drug-Infested Cities in the U.S. Read More »

a man speaking in front of a group while sitting in circle

What Drug Addiction Recovery is Like

Considering addiction therapy can be frightening if you’re currently in your active addiction. One of the primary reasons for this fear is that addiction drastically changes your brain. It affects the part of your brain that controls your survival needs, like food and water. The issue is that this part of the brain now process

What Drug Addiction Recovery is Like Read More »

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