What Are Street Names for Meth?
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant with a significant presence worldwide. Its widespread use has led to the creation of numerous slang terms to describe it.
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant with a significant presence worldwide. Its widespread use has led to the creation of numerous slang terms to describe it.
Crack and meth are both highly addictive drugs, but they are not the same. Crack, a form of cocaine, is a stimulant derived from coca plants, while meth, short for methamphetamine, is a man-made stimulant made from synthetic chemicals.
Is Crack the Same as Meth? Key Differences and Similarities Read More »
Super Meth: The Dangers of P2P Drugs and the Meth Epidemic Read More »
Methamphetamine, commonly known as meth, is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that can wreak havoc on a person’s physical health. While the toll it takes on the body is profound, the effects of meth abuse tend to be most visibly apparent in a person’s face. A condition often referred to as “meth face” is marked by skin lesions, sores, premature aging, and significant dental damage.
What Meth Abuse Does to Your Face: Understanding “Meth Face” Read More »
Methamphetamine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug that affects the body and mind. Knowing how to identify illicit substances such as meth can lead to early intervention if a loved one is struggling with addiction.