Opioid Addiction Rehab

Man thinking about the history of drugs

History of Drugs

Many people think drug abuse and addiction are recent problems in human history. However, most common substances today, such as opioids, meth, and cocaine, have been around for over a century. The history of drugs expands back almost as far as human history, so it’s no wonder that drug epidemics and addictions are difficult for […]

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A young woman experiencing opioid dependence

What Does Opioid Dependence Looks Like?

Opioids are prescription medications that derive their effects from the opium poppy. Examples include OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin. Many believe that medications they receive from a doctor are safe. In reality, these drugs can result in opioid dependence. Do you or a loved one need opioid addiction rehab? Call us today at 866.262.0531 for help.

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A man in medication-assisted treatment for opioid abuse

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Abuse

People who abuse their prescription pain medication or use heroin or other illegal opioids will likely develop serious physical and psychological symptoms along with chemical dependence. If they stop taking opioids suddenly without medical support, they will experience intense withdrawals and cravings that can lead to a relapse and overdose. Fortunately, medication-assisted treatment for opioid

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Two people holding hands and trying to deal with the opioid epidemic

Understanding the Opioid Epidemic and How to Protect Your Loved Ones

Opioids are a natural pain reliever derived from the poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, and are used to treat intense pain caused by a number of issues. The opioid epidemic began in the early 1990s when doctors began prescribing opioids for pain without fully understanding their addictive capabilities and potential for abuse. Today, drug-related deaths caused

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Therapist and patient discussing an opioid overdose

How To Respond To An Opioid Overdose

In 2015 in the United States alone, more than 33,000 people died as a result of an opioid overdose. More than half of those overdoses were a result of prescription opioids. That statistic is terrifying. Sadly, there are more. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has collected statistics on opioid use and abuse. Here are

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a therapist talking to a patient

What Will I Learn in Contingency Management Therapy?

Addiction is a dangerous mental health disorder that affects more than 40 million men and women each year. There is no cure for addiction, However, there are several behavioral therapies that are proven to be effective in treating addiction and helping men and women live sober lives. Contingency management techniques use a rewards-based system to

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woman receiving comfort for opiates abuse

How to Help Someone with an Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction is a continuing epidemic across the country, with tens of thousands of men and women dying every year. If you know someone struggling with addiction, there are plenty of tips on how to help someone with opiate addiction, including advice for entering a rehab program. In fact, opiate addiction rehab is the safest

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