
what is step 33 aa

What is Step 3 in AA?

Step 3 in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the pivotal point in recovery when you make, “A decision to turn our lives and our will over to the care of God as we understood Him.”

At Crestview Recovery we provide alcohol rehab and addiction treatment in Porland, Oregon. The 12 Steps are useful guides for those in recovery whether you’re overcoming alcohol addiction or another substance use issue.

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3 p's of recovery

What are the 3 P’s of Recovery?

There are many important aspects of recovery; these may include different kinds of therapy, medication, or group exercises. The most important aspects, however, are a smidge deeper than the many facets of treatment. These three attributes are perhaps the three things that separate successful recovery from an increased chance of relapse.

At Crestview Recovery, we incorporate the three p’s of recovery into all of our addiction treatment programs in Portland, Oregon. Our team provides quality, individualized treatment to adults 18 and older. Our programs emphasize learning skills to support long-term recovery, including qualities like the three p’s.

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