
3 p's of recovery

What are the 3 P’s of Recovery?

There are many important aspects of recovery; these may include different kinds of therapy, medication, or group exercises. The most important aspects, however, are a smidge deeper than the many facets of treatment. These three attributes are perhaps the three things that separate successful recovery from an increased chance of relapse.

At Crestview Recovery, we incorporate the three p’s of recovery into all of our addiction treatment programs in Portland, Oregon. Our team provides quality, individualized treatment to adults 18 and older. Our programs emphasize learning skills to support long-term recovery, including qualities like the three p’s.

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Two people dating in addiction recovery

5 Tips for Dating During Addiction Recovery

Dating in addiction recovery can be very beneficial to the recovery experience, but it can also cause a major setback or relapse if the relationship causes additional stress. Addiction recovery is about focusing on your own needs, and a relationship can sometimes interfere with that process. There are ways that you can build a healthy

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How Alcohol Addiction Can Impact Your Family

Alcoholism tears families apart. People in households with active alcoholics are more likely to suffer from depression and other mental health issues. Alcoholism causes people to treat others — even people they love — in ways they’d never dream of. Attending a Portland rehab center can help people get the assistance they need in order

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A group of people engaged in substance use group therapy activities

Substance Use Group Therapy Activities Can Help You Succeed

Getting help for substance use is very valuable. One of the ways to get good advice is through interaction with others who are facing the same issues. Substance use group therapy activities can be an essential part of that interaction. While experts recommend individual therapy, many people who are facing substance use issues enjoy their

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Doctor answering the question, "How does schizophrenia affect the brain?"

What Part of the Brain Does Schizophrenia Affect?

Schizophrenia is a profound and complex brain condition that affects how people relate to the world around them. Symptoms of schizophrenia include delusions, disorganized speech, hallucinations, trouble thinking, and extreme lack of motivation. This mental health condition affects the structure and functioning of a few essential systems in the brain. These include the prefrontal and

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Group discussing core values to guide recovery

Core Values to Guide Recovery

Addiction is lonely, desolate, and dangerous when left untreated. People who depend on dangerous drugs can sometimes avoid an overdose, but the effects of certain drugs will eventually take their toll in the long run. No matter how far you’ve fallen, we want you to know that there is hope. Addiction treatment programs at Crestview

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Upset woman worried about overcoming labels in recovery

Overcoming Labels in Addiction Recovery

When you are facing addiction, or you know someone who is, you often realize that there are a lot of labels that get placed on people who struggle with addiction. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome labels in recovery and the way they can make you feel. What you need is a beautiful place to

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a group of sober people

5 Fun Sober Group Activities

Many sober group activities are included in a group therapy program that is a part of an all-encompassing addiction treatment plan. While some people may feel afraid to open up to others during therapy, they soon discover the benefits of different life perspectives while developing long-lasting, supportive friendships. An addiction group therapy program is an

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