Relapse Prevention

a woman tapping a teens shoulder

What is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Addiction is a mental health disorder that can cause physical changes in your brain that become permanent with long-term use. What is post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS)? For men and women who abuse drugs or alcohol for several years, they can continue to experience the psychological effects of withdrawals sporadically for months or years after detoxing. […]

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a man in orange shirt being comforted by a women

Your Ultimate Guide to Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention after rehab takes more than willpower. You need to plan early to be strong against cravings and triggers that will inevitably happen. Having a solid plan like this will help you through stress, social struggles and other times that test your sobriety. After rehab, it’s important to keep your addiction at bay by

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How to Lower Your Stress During the Holidays 

The holidays are stressful for so many reasons. For a person struggling with mental health or substance use concerns, normal holiday stress can feel unmanageable. Dealing with difficult family members, financial stress, and feeling pressure to make everything perfect have the potential to derail even the most carefully planned holiday events. In this blog post,

How to Lower Your Stress During the Holidays  Read More »

man standing on a rock at the sea

Sexual Health in Recovery

Addiction is a vast and complex condition. Becoming dependant on addictive drugs causes people to lose their sex drive and rely only on drugs for a dopamine release. Using harmful amounts of psychoactive chemicals causes the brain to release a powerful and overwhelming rush of pleasurable neurotransmitters that are responsible for the positive effects of

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two persons hugging

Relapse Prevention Techniques You Can Use Right Away

If you are concerned about having a relapse or you feel tempted by a past addiction sometimes, there are relapse prevention techniques that you will want to learn. At our alcohol treatment center in Portland, Oregon, we will help you learn more about relapse prevention and how it can help you on your recovery journey.

Relapse Prevention Techniques You Can Use Right Away Read More »

a man hiking

Relapse Prevention After Leaving a Longview WA Drug Treatment Program

Completing a Longview WA drug treatment program is both an exhilarating and challenging time. You have accomplished a huge goal in life by completing the drug treatment program in Longview, and you should feel very proud of yourself. At the same time, it’s a challenging time, too. Unfortunately, the chances of relapse are real. In

Relapse Prevention After Leaving a Longview WA Drug Treatment Program Read More »

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