Sober Living

Two people dating in addiction recovery

5 Tips for Dating During Addiction Recovery

Dating in addiction recovery can be very beneficial to the recovery experience, but it can also cause a major setback or relapse if the relationship causes additional stress. Addiction recovery is about focusing on your own needs, and a relationship can sometimes interfere with that process. There are ways that you can build a healthy

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a group of sober people

5 Fun Sober Group Activities

Many sober group activities are included in a group therapy program that is a part of an all-encompassing addiction treatment plan. While some people may feel afraid to open up to others during therapy, they soon discover the benefits of different life perspectives while developing long-lasting, supportive friendships. An addiction group therapy program is an

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A man confident about his coping skills for addiction

5 Coping Skills for Addiction You Should Know

In drug addiction recovery, clients learn how to maintain their newfound sobriety. One of the most important focuses is on learning how to cope with stress, temptations, and obstacles in life. This list of coping skills is just a sample of the many ways that people can stay on track to their lifelong recovery. Do

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man in individual therapy, smiling while talking with his therapist

Proper Money Management in Recovery  

If you are recovering from alcohol or substance use, you are recovering from an excessive lifestyle. You used substances or alcohol excessively. Money is usually an important factor in how excessive your use was. As a result, money management is a key part of your recovery treatment program. However, like most areas of your treatment

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a man sitting on his bed

3 Ways to Break Bad Habits During Recovery

Breaking bad habits and forming new ones is a good strategy for long-term addiction recovery. Frequently, habits form without any type of planning. You may make promises to yourself to stop these habits, but over time, your willpower decreases. That can limit your motivation to keep going. Yet, there are strategies to help you to

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How Alcohol Treatment Centers Help You Get Sober

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 15 million adults suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Many of them have tried to quit numerous times, but have been unsuccessful. AUD is a serious disease that can lead to health problems, social problems, and even death. If you or someone

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