Sober Living

Why Drinking and Driving is Dangerous

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Even a small amount can impair judgment and coordination. Larger amounts can make it dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car. The more you drink before driving, the more likely you are to cause a fatal accident. The consequences of drinking and driving can’t be overstated. […]

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How to Detox from Alcohol

Some people struggling with alcoholism are curious as to how to detox from alcohol. Many of them don’t understand that it takes the help of medical professionals. Trying to self-detox can be very dangerous because of how the substance affects your vital organs. Many years ago, society believed those who attempted detox without medical assistance

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What Are the Biggest Signs of Stress?

Some very significant things in life can cause a lot of stress, but many people do not recognize the signs of stress when they develop a problem with it. Then they live their lives stressed out and uncomfortable, which can lead to mental and physical health problems, addiction issues, and more. Fortunately, Crestview Recovery is here

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How to Lower Your Stress During the Holidays 

The holidays are stressful for so many reasons. For a person struggling with mental health or substance use concerns, normal holiday stress can feel unmanageable. Dealing with difficult family members, financial stress, and feeling pressure to make everything perfect have the potential to derail even the most carefully planned holiday events. In this blog post,

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Emotional Sobriety is an Important Part of Recovery

A cornerstone of addiction recovery and substance use treatment involves the concept of emotional sobriety. Being emotionally sober means facing life’s obstacles without escaping into familiar but unhealthy emotional spirals that have a history of preventing growth and self-actualization in your life. It doesn’t mean limiting your emotions or preventing yourself from feeling them; it means

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