Substance Use

Woman experiencing the side effects of hallucinogens

What are the Side Effects of Hallucinogens?

Peyote, LSD, PCP, and other hallucinogens affect your perception. This quality makes them irresistible to some users. Are they safe to use? What are the short and long-term hallucinogens effects you need to know about? Do you need to know more about substance use treatment? Get answers. Call us today at 866.262.0531. The Serotonin Connection […]

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a woman with headache holding her head

What are the Side Effects of Xanax Abuse?

Alprazolam (Xanax) is a popular benzodiazepine in the U.S. Like all benzodiazepines, Xanax is a central nervous system depressant designed to calm patients experiencing life-threatening panic episodes. It is not an antidepressant and not a painkiller. Benzodiazepines were developed in the 1960s as a safer tranquilizer than alcohol and barbiturates. However, when used in excess,

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A man who is very aware of the heroin withdrawal timeline

Heroin Withdrawal Timeline

The heroin withdrawal timeline describes how long it takes for the drug to leave the body and withdrawal symptoms to subside. While detox and withdrawal can take place at an addiction treatment center, some people try to self-detox at home. This is a dangerous practice that may cause relapse, overdose, and fatality. To avoid the

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A young woman who has utilized tips for addiction recovery

5 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment programs are challenging, but they have many benefits that come from the hard work you will put into it. This is not a process that you have to go through on your own. Addiction treatment help is available to you from a range of professionals and, in some cases, family. With a few

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How Alcohol Addiction Can Impact Your Family

Alcoholism tears families apart. People in households with active alcoholics are more likely to suffer from depression and other mental health issues. Alcoholism causes people to treat others — even people they love — in ways they’d never dream of. Attending a Portland rehab center can help people get the assistance they need in order

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A group of people engaged in substance use group therapy activities

Substance Use Group Therapy Activities Can Help You Succeed

Getting help for substance use is very valuable. One of the ways to get good advice is through interaction with others who are facing the same issues. Substance use group therapy activities can be an essential part of that interaction. While experts recommend individual therapy, many people who are facing substance use issues enjoy their

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An example of purple drank

What is Purple Drank?

In the early 2000s, purple drank gained widespread popularity in the United States, particularly among hip-hop and rap communities. This was due to its frequent mentions in popular music as well as high-profile celebrity endorsements. In addition, a number of media reports ran stories about celebrities’ use of the drink, giving it more attention and

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Group discussing core values to guide recovery

Core Values to Guide Recovery

Addiction is lonely, desolate, and dangerous when left untreated. People who depend on dangerous drugs can sometimes avoid an overdose, but the effects of certain drugs will eventually take their toll in the long run. No matter how far you’ve fallen, we want you to know that there is hope. Addiction treatment programs at Crestview

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