Substance Use

Woman dating an alcoholic

Is Dating an Alcoholic Dangerous?

If you’re dating someone and you’re concerned about their level of drinking, it’s important to take time to consider that carefully. Dating an alcoholic can be stressful, and in some cases, you may wonder, is dating an alcoholic dangerous? Fortunately, there’s help and hope for people who want to get clean and sober. If you

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Man who knows the answer to the question, "What is alcohol dementia?"

What Is Alcohol Dementia?

According to research by The National Center for Biotechnology Information, 95% of people who frequently drink alcohol are at risk of alcohol dementia. Lots of people globally are battling alcohol addiction either in their homes, colleges, or workplace and are in need of an alcohol addiction rehab center. What Is Alcohol Dementia? This is a condition

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A glass of purple drank that hints at the effects of purple drank

What Are the Effects of Purple Drank?

Purple drank, also known as “lean,” is both an addictive and harmful drug cocktail. It can lead to long-term dependency, dangerous behavioral changes, and significant side effects. While purple drank is commonly consumed in social settings, it is important to understand the main purple drank effects. Unlike other highly addictive and illegal drug habits, purple

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Woman deep in thought as she considers the myths about cocaine

3 Myths About Cocaine

Regular and heavy cocaine use causes diseases of the body, mind, and family. Medical consequences of long-term cocaine use include nasal perforation, rotting teeth, sexual dysfunction, heart attacks, and strokes. Psychological consequences of heavy cocaine use include insomnia, paranoia, loss of joy in things you love, impaired cognition, and depression. Family consequences of cocaine addiction

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a woman raising her hand while enjoying the sunset

How Long Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?

Deciding to reach out for alcohol or drug addiction treatment is one of the best steps toward a healthier life. For many individuals, the right starting point is in a residential drug treatment program. This type of rehab program is designed to provide clients with a safe space to work on healing physically, mentally, and

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a hand refusing alcohol

Why Go to Rehab During the Holidays?

The holidays are often considered to be a joyous time. Family and friends get together and celebrate, enjoy each other’s company, and create new memories. But for a person struggling with substance use disorder, holidays can be difficult–especially if the celebrations allow drinking. If destructive patterns of drug or alcohol use are preventing you from

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man with addiction problem seeking treatment

What to Know About Adderall Addiction Treatment

People abuse both illegal and prescription drugs all the time, including Adderall. On college campuses across the nation, Adderall addiction is on the rise. Below are a few things that people need to know about Adderall addiction rehab, substance use treatment, and the drug itself. What Is Adderall? Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant

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