Substance Use

woman sitting on bed feeling sick with stomach issues

Ambien Withdrawal Symptoms

Over the past couple of decades, prescription medications have grown quite a reputation for their tendency to be addictive. As with addictions to alcohol, smoking or other drugs, nobody intends to develop an addiction to them; unlike these things, prescriptions are usually forced by a circumstance that renders not taking the medication a worse situation […]

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therapist taking notes during session with man who is sitting on couch

The Long-Term Effects of Adderall

Adderall is a type of amphetamine that is common throughout the U.S. When used as directed, it can provide relief from ADHD. However, using Adderall in high doses or in combination with other drugs can have harrowing effects. A growing number of people are concerned about the long-term effects of Adderall and how they impact

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stimulant pills

What to Know About Benzo Withdrawal

Commonly known as tranquilizers, benzodiazepines affect the central nervous system in order to reduce anxiety and create feelings of intense relaxation. Doctors prescribe benzodiazepines in extremely large numbers, and they rank among the most commonly used drugs in the U.S. The most recognizable benzodiazepine brand names include Ativan, Halcion, Librium, Valium, and Xanax. Benzodiazepines can

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therapist taking notes during session with man who is sitting on couch

The Dangers of Codependency

A codependent relationship involves two people who rely on each other in unhealthy ways that limit the potential for growth in each individual. Codependency is often mistaken for love, acceptance, selflessness, and loyalty. However, it is born out of guilt, loneliness, fear, pain, and weakness. Getting a hotel room for an addicted individual because you

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4 people sitting in a circle

What Is a Gateway Drug Addiction?

A gateway drug is a habit-forming drug that may lead to other addictive substance use. This is a common theory, but not necessarily scientific fact. Today, some researchers and healthcare providers discount the existence of gateway substances. Whether these gateways to addiction are real is something you can decide for yourself. Gateway drugs are generally

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adderall side effects in females

What Are the Side Effects of Adderall?

A lot of people take Adderall for attention deficit problems and related conditions. It can work very well to help children focus. Also, adults use it who have the same types of problems with their attention span. But the side effects of Adderall can be serious if individuals fail to take it properly. It’s a

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a man wearing glasses talking to therapist

How Your Addictive Behaviors Impact Your Life

Addiction can occur in many forms and affect many areas of your life. By and large, alcohol use disorder (AUD) and drug addiction are the most common substance use disorders affecting Americans. Recognizing the damaging effects of substance use can drive you to get help from an addiction treatment center in Oregon or one near you. Need

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adderall side effects in females

Adderall vs. Ritalin: What’s the Difference?

Adderall and Ritalin are central nervous system stimulants and have a high potential for abuse. However, they have different chemical structures. Ritalin contains the chemical methylphenidate. Adderall, on the other hand, contains a mix of amphetamine salts. While these drugs contain other ingredients, too, those are the two main ones. Because of these differences, people

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