Substance Use

Explaining the Different Types of Addiction

When people hear the word “addiction,” many automatically think of illegal substances such as cocaine or heroin. The truth is that there are many types of addictions, even to legal substances such as alcohol or prescription medication. Here at Crestview Recovery, we help people suffering from all types of addiction get the help they need

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Common Treatments for Drug Abuse

Treatments for drug abuse typically factor in the physical, as well as, the psychological dependence on a substance. Unless you break both forms of addiction, it’s virtually impossible to prevent a relapse. The starting point for any treatment is detox. After that, counseling sessions continue the process. Most addiction treatment centers offer a range of

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man with addiction problem seeking treatment

Here’s What The Xanax Withdrawal Timeline Looks Like

Overcoming an addiction to Xanax can be difficult. For the first step, individuals complete a detox, during which they work through Xanax withdrawal symptoms. Knowing what to expect from a Xanax withdrawal, and understanding the basic timeline, can be a great way to prepare for the process. Detoxing from Xanax can take anywhere from five

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How Can a Substance Use Counselor Help You?

Substance use counselors specialize in helping people with addictions to drugs and alcohol. They provide support and guidance to their clients, as well as treatment plans and therapy sessions. Many substance use counselors have backgrounds in psychology, which gives them the knowledge and skills necessary to help people with addiction problems. If you’re looking for

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Benefits of Meditation for People in Addiction Recovery

During rehab and beyond, there are dozens of treatment methods that can aid in recovery. One of methods that people don’t utilize enough, but is often incredibly effective, is meditation. Explore some benefits of meditation for addiction recovery. Meditation is the practice of focusing one’s mind on a particular object, subject, or activity. It can

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Why Drinking and Driving is Dangerous

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Even a small amount can impair judgment and coordination. Larger amounts can make it dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car. The more you drink before driving, the more likely you are to cause a fatal accident. The consequences of drinking and driving can’t be overstated.

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gym area

Why We Provide a Gym Membership at Crestview Recovery

A person’s addiction to drugs or alcohol leads to neglect of one’s social and professional life as well as their health. At Crestview Recovery, we offer our clients a gym membership. Why? Because focusing on physical health is a crucial part of a person’s recovery from addiction. Becoming healthy helps in a variety of different

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