Substance Use

a woman talking to his therapist

Alcohol Rehab Center Near Black Diamond 

There are a number of major problems facing the healthcare community today. One of the biggest issues involves alcohol abuse. Unlike some other types of psychoactive drugs, alcohol is legal. Therefore, access to this addictive substance is relatively easy. It should come as no surprise that there are countless individuals and families who have been […]

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a man speaking in front of a group while sitting in circle

What Drug Addiction Recovery is Like

Considering addiction therapy can be frightening if you’re currently in your active addiction. One of the primary reasons for this fear is that addiction drastically changes your brain. It affects the part of your brain that controls your survival needs, like food and water. The issue is that this part of the brain now process

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Coming Back From a Dangerous Drug Overdose

Suffering a drug overdose and living to tell the tale is a wake-up call. Maybe you just recently quit using and started up again. Perhaps you intentionally overdosed. No matter what the background story is, there’s hope. Coming back is possible. Overdosing on Drugs Can be a New Beginning Accidental overdoses frequently happen when someone

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