
Man thinking about stopping weed use

What You Should Know About Stopping Weed Use

Marijuana is the most commonly used and abused the illicit drug in the United States. Although a fair number of states have decriminalized recreational marijuana use, marijuana possession is still technically illegal under federal law. Regardless of its legal or illegal status, nearly 70% of Americans have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. […]

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a woman tapping a teens shoulder

What is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Addiction is a mental health disorder that can cause physical changes in your brain that become permanent with long-term use. What is post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS)? For men and women who abuse drugs or alcohol for several years, they can continue to experience the psychological effects of withdrawals sporadically for months or years after detoxing.

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a man wearing blue shirt talking to a group of patients

What to Expect During Substance Use Treatment in Portland, Oregon

Portland continues to see climbing addiction rates that are higher than the national average. The last few years have left a lot of men and women struggling with depression and other mental health issues. Consequently, many have turned to drugs and alcohol in order to cope. They then end up with an addiction that requires

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What Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Are Like

Many people who struggle with addiction want to stop using drugs. However, they’re afraid of the withdrawal symptoms. This is an understandable fear. Drug withdrawal symptoms can be agonizing. Every drug produces different withdrawal symptoms. Individuals also experience withdrawal differently. Understanding withdrawal is important if you’re trying to quit or helping a loved one through

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