Heroin is an opioid used to eliminate physical and emotional pain. Opioids are essential for people recovering from major surgery, but the social and occupational consequences of long-term opioid use often outweigh the benefits. Heroin stops people from experiencing pain and causes chemical changes in the brain’s ability to release pleasurable endorphins without the use of psychoactive drugs. This diminishes natural rewards usually experienced during normal sources of happiness. It also disrupts our ability to tolerate even minor physical or emotional discomfort. Contact Crestview Recovery in Portland to learn about our life-saving substance use treatment options for heroin-addicted patients.

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Heroin addiction can happen at any age. Many people find themselves in search of heroin after developing a dependency on prescription opioids. For individuals in search of addiction recovery and a new way of life, a professional heroin addiction rehab center may be the best answer. The following programs have proven to be effective in treating heroin addiction:

  • Residential addiction treatment
  • Medical detox
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)

Heroin is one of the most addictive substances in the world. Many people start taking painkillers for pain, become addicted, and switch over to heroin. The makers of Oxycontin have begun using an abuse-deterrent formula, which has caused many users to change to heroin. This has resulted in a tripling of heroin deaths in the U.S. Heroin is processed from morphine, which comes from poppy plant seeds. It can come in a white or brown powder or a blackish tar. Heroin can be injected, snorted, and smoked.


Heroin is a central nervous system depressant that binds to cells in the brain that perceive pain. It produces a feeling of happiness and relaxation. Unfortunately, the body gets used to this feeling, causing people to need more and more of the drug to feel normal. Heroin use can be fatal; the depressant effect of the drug can stop organ function altogether. Heroin is more dangerous when combined with drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, and benzodiazepines.

Signs Of Heroin Use

The signs of heroin addiction include the following:

  • Slurred speech
  • Poor balance
  • Exhaustion
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Absence of responsibility and accountability
  • Inability to maintain employment
  • Isolation from friends and family members
  • Erratic or hostile behavior during withdrawal
  • Theft
  • Prostitution
  • Infections

Addicts may have shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue, needle marks, and constricted, or very small, pupils. Heroin addicts need more and more drugs to feel normal. Withdrawal from heroin is a terrible experience. Some signs of heroin withdrawal are cold sweats, severe cramps, nausea and vomiting, and sleeplessness. There can also be long-term effects of heroin addiction, including heart disease, infections, seizures, and liver disease.



Quality heroin addiction treatment is necessary to help people start a new chapter in their lives. The goals of heroin addiction treatment programs are to reduce dependence, reduce infectious diseases, improve physical and psychological health, reduce criminal behavior, and help people re-enter into work and social circles. Heroin addiction is a complex condition that often requires long-term treatment. Since no one circumstance leads to addition, no one treatment works for everyone. At Crestview Recovery, we offer heroin treatment that includes social approaches, medication-assisted treatment, group therapy, 12-step recovery, and experiential therapies.


Crestview offers substance use treatment groups for people overcoming heroin addiction. These groups provide tools for managing emotions, techniques for preventing relapses, and relationship and life skills to make the transition to a drug-free life easier. Thousands of people suffer from addiction, and, sadly, many of them never look for treatment. But help is available. Crestview Recovery is one of the leading heroin treatment providers in the country. If you or a loved one is seeking men’s drug rehab or women’s drug rehab, please reach out to us today at Crestview Recovery in Portland. Give us a call at (866)262-0531 to learn more about our heroin addiction treatment programs.

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Heroin Addiction Rehab in Portland, OR

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