Healing Begins Here
What is Addiction?
When you become addicted, you stimulate parts of your brain. Your brain adapts to this stimulus, and you build up a tolerance. As you build a tolerance, your brain needs more and more of the substance or activity to feel normal. As you continue in this cycle, you become more and more dependent on that substance to feel OK. Parts of your brain are signaling to your prefrontal cortex, the decision-making area, that obtaining the substance or carrying out the activity is more important than eating or living.
How the cycle of addiction happens:
- You Start Using Because it Makes You Feel Good
- Build Up a Tolerance
- You Need More And More Substance To Feel Normal
- Your Usage Or Activity Is Out Of Control
As you can see, addiction does not care what kind of person you are or who you hang out with, how much money you have, none of it. People become addicted as they use things and grow accustomed to having them in their systems. The same goes for additive activities. The hard part is realizing what is happening before it is too late. Once you become addicted, you should seek out professional help to get your life back on the right track at an Oregon rehab center.
What to Expect at an Oregon Rehab Center
Once you get to rehab, you will be moving into your room after the center checks your luggage for prohibited items. You will also turn in your medication and any mobile devices. While you are at an Oregon rehab center, you are to be working on yourself, what types of things work for you, and how you are going to stay sober over the long term. For this reason at rehab, you will be introduced to many different types of therapy and group work in the hopes that you can create an aftercare plan that will work or you.
Here are some of the types of therapy you can expect to be exposed to:
- Individual therapy program, Group therapy program, Family therapy program
- Alternative therapy programs (Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness)
- Experiential Therapy program (Music, Art, Animals, Sports)
- Life Skills Learning
- 12-Step Support Group Experiences
As you learn about the things that work for you and the things that don’t you will work on your aftercare plan. This is the set of directions that you will take home with you that will help to keep you sober. Addiction is no fun, figure out the best way for you to fight it today.