Rehab is a challenge. It can be intimidating. But if you are ready to face the challenge, Crestview Recovery’s alcohol rehab center is there for residents of Bend, Oregon. Our proven therapies and treatment programs can give you the skills and power to overcome alcohol abuse and addiction.

When a loved one struggles with alcohol abuse, it affects the entire family. Perhaps someone you care about is struggling, but they do not think that there is help available for them. At our alcohol rehab center, Bend residents will have a nearby facility that is close enough for familial support. Patients from across the state of Oregon know they can rely on Crestview Recovery. At one of our nearby rehab clinics, you or a loved one will get the care they need.


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What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

The medical term for alcohol abuse is alcohol use disorder. It is synonymous with alcoholism and refers to a pattern of alcohol use that regularly and negatively impairs daily activity. Alcohol has always been a risky substance. Its legality and widespread presence across American culture make it one of the most common substances that individuals abuse and become addicted to.

Someone with alcohol use disorder is unable to control their drinking. This means that they are unable to regulate their alcohol intake. Because of alcohol’s addictive nature as a depressant, people quickly find themselves in significant distress. Alcohol begins to dominate their thoughts, making them preoccupied with finding and getting their next drink. As the disease progresses, individuals routinely find they need to drink more and more or more potent alcohol to achieve the euphoric effect they desire. Soon, this excessive drinking leads to risky behaviors that endanger both themselves and others. For example, drunk driving is one such excessive risk.

Unfortunately, those with alcohol use disorder cannot simply stop drinking. Going ‘cold turkey’ can do more harm than good. This is because the individual’s brain chemistry has changed. As they attempt to self-detox, they are unable and unskilled in addressing their body’s needs. Thus, individuals with alcohol use disorder suffer symptoms of withdrawal, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shaking
  • Hand tremors and seizures
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Fever and sweating
  • Delirium tremens.

Also, many people do not realize that alcohol withdrawal can last for up to two days or more. Without the supervision of trained professionals, an individual puts themselves in harm’s way by attempting a detox alone.

How Our Alcohol Rehab Center Can Help Bend Residents

Our alcohol rehab center offers comprehensive, multi-step programs for recovery. For many individuals, the first step when coming to our alcohol rehab center will be medically assisted detox. During this process, our expert staff will monitor the individual to make sure they are safe and secure as they work alcohol out of their system. Often, treatment and therapy for alcohol addiction will begin after a successful detox.

Once you are through detox, our counselors and therapists work with you to personalize your treatment plan. Usually, treatment falls into one of two categories:

  • Acute treatment: This program can last up to three weeks. During acute treatment, medical staff and mental health experts develop new treatment routines that can include medication, clinical appointments, and withdrawal symptom management.
  • Long-term residential treatment: Some patients require long-term treatment. This can last a couple of months. Typically, patients with significant or longtime alcohol usage need this option. On top of basic treatment, long-term facilities provide wellness coaching and services to address the withdrawal, social, and clinical barriers to controlling alcohol addiction.


Contact Crestview Recovery

Alcohol addiction does not have to control your life. Crestview Recovery’s alcohol rehab center can put Bend residents on the path to recovery. Learn how to regain control and live your best life. For example, our rehab services include:

Facing alcohol use disorder alone is nearly impossible. But you do not have to isolate yourself. Our experienced experts and caring staff want to help you through the process. Let our alcohol rehab center help you or a loved one. So, reach out to us today at (866)262-0531 so you can learn more.

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Alcohol Rehab Center Near Bend, Oregon

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