If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol, you understand how challenging it is to find the services and treatment that you need to overcome it. Fortunately, our alcohol rehab center near McMinnville, Oregon can address the clinical, behavioral, and social health of individuals who endure an alcohol use disorder.

Sometimes rehab and treatment are not always accessible. Most individuals do not have a facility nearby them. Nor do they have one also close enough for familial support. This is why Crestview Recovery offers an accessible rehab option for patients near the McMinnville, Oregon area. You no longer need to worry. Crestview Recovery can provide the care you need.


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What Are the Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol use disorder, also called alcohol abuse, can take many forms. Some individuals binge-drink while others are high-functioning alcoholics. Being able to recognize the signs of alcohol use disorder in yourself or others puts you in a better position to seek help. Alcohol use disorder involves more than how often someone drinks. It is also determined by how frequently someone drinks, the effects, and consequences when they attempt to reduce or stop drinking.

Some experts believe that high-functioning alcoholics make up between 75%-90% of all alcoholics. High-functioning or functional alcoholics typically do not see themselves as alcoholics. They believe they only drink as a reward or relieve stress. Because they are able not just to keep their job but excel at it and maintain personal and intimate relationships, it appears to many that they do not have any issues with alcohol. However, they suffer from alcohol use disorder, just the same.

They never have just one drink and constantly crave alcohol. Their personality changes as they become intoxicated. In fact, some people who know high-functioning alcoholics have never seen their ‘real’ personality because the individual is drinking so often. When high-functioning alcoholics attempt to quit drinking, they tend to suffer more severe withdrawal symptoms than others with alcohol use disorder.

Another common type of alcohol use disorder is binge-drinking. When an individual binge drinks, they consume five or more drinks in under two hours. This kind of alcohol abuse tends to happen in social settings. The binge drinkers are not necessarily dependent or addicted to alcohol. Instead, their alcohol use disorder presents itself as not being able to regulate their consumption. Often, this kind of drinking leads to extremely risky behaviors like drunk driving.

Treatment and Therapy at our Alcohol Rehab Center Near McMinnville, Oregon

At Crestview Recovery, you will find that our experts and staff are dedicated to getting you the treatment you need. Because every individual experiences recovery differently, it is vital to have many kinds of therapy to choose from.

If your counselors and therapist discover that you have an underlying mental health issue that needs addressing like depression or anxiety disorder, then you are a candidate for dual-diagnosis therapy. This treatment also called a co-occurring disorder, examines how the mental health issue impacts your alcohol use disorder. Often, individuals in physical or emotional pain will drink to numb the sensation. This self-medicating only works superficially and never lastingly which causes the individual to abuse alcohol repeatedly. It can lead to dependence. Thus, to break the dependency, the emotional issue must be resolved at the same time that alcohol abuse is.


Our alcohol rehab center near McMinnville, Oregon  provides on-site counseling for individuals, both cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, as well as others. These similar but different therapies address how individuals see themselves and others, how they make decisions, and take ownership of their actions (i.e., accountability). Some other traditional and alternative therapies patients can explore include:

All of the options that counselors and therapists present to patients address their specific issues. Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, each patient needs to be active in finding what works for them.

Crestview Recovery

If you are near McMinnville, Oregon and you or a loved one needs alcohol rehab, Crestview Recovery’s nearby alcohol rehab center can help. Some of the treatment programs we offer include:

Recovery does not have to be a long, hard battle you or your loved one faces alone. Our expert care is on your side. We want to be there with you to help you win against alcohol addiction. Let our alcohol rehab center near McMinnville, Oregon answer your questions and get you on the path to recovery. Call (866)262-0531, and we will help you find the right treatments to get started.

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Alcohol Rehab Center Near McMinnville, Oregon

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