Postpartum depression is a serious condition that can affect 10–20% of new mothers after giving birth. It is characterized by severe depressive symptoms that can last for several months or longer. Postpartum depression treatment in Portland gives relief to new mothers whose depression doesn’t go away after a few weeks. A depression treatment program is essential for the health and well-being of the mother and child, as continuing postpartum depression in mothers can seriously impact a child’s development.

At Crestview Recovery, we support mothers 18 and over who have given birth and are struggling with postpartum depression. Our behavioral therapists, counselors, and medical staff work together to create a tailored treatment program that gives mothers the skills and confidence they need to manage their symptoms and enjoy raising their children. For more information about our postpartum depression treatment in Portland, call (866)262-0531 or fill out our online form today, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


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Understanding Depression in New Mothers

There are three types of depression that new mothers can experience. The baby blues is a mild form of depression that happens a few days after birth and lasts for a few weeks. Postpartum depression is more severe and can occur up to a year after birth and last for 3–6 months or longer. Postpartum psychosis is a rare form of depression in new mothers that can lead to self-harming thoughts for themselves and their babies.

Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression include:

  • Severe mood swings and major depression
  • Excessing crying
  • Having trouble bonding with their baby
  • insomnia/hyposomnia
  • Overwhelming fatigue or lack of energy
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks

At Crestview Recovery, our postpartum depression treatment center in Portland helps mothers cope with depression after birth. They will participate in group and individual therapy to develop coping skills and build their confidence in managing their symptoms—no matter how stressful things become.


Postpartum Depression Treatment in Portland

Women who enroll in postpartum depression treatment in Portland can greatly reduce the symptoms that are interfering with raising their child along with their happiness. If left untreated, postpartum depression can lead to substance use, worsening depression, and neglecting the child.

Here are some of the programs used for treating postpartum depression treatment in Portland:

This type of behavioral therapy focuses on helping clients change their negative thoughts and behaviors and develop coping skills to manage their symptoms and better care for their children.

DBT is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on mothers who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or other self-destructive behavior. Therapists or counselors work to change their negative perspectives and see things in a positive light.

Clients participate in various holistic therapies that can teach them about mindfulness and meditation and pick up new interests through music, art, or pet therapy.

For cases of severe depression, anti-depressants, and other medications are available to reduce depression symptoms. In addition, they enable clients to focus fully on their recovery.

Young mothers with severe postpartum depression will benefit from a residential program with 24/7 support. On the other hand, those with milder symptoms will receive therapy through an outpatient or telehealth treatment program.

Join Crestview Recovery for Our Compassionate Depression Treatment Program

At Crestview Recovery, we support mothers who are struggling with postpartum depression at our postpartum depression treatment center in Portland. Our staff is familiar with all levels of postpartum depression and offers several treatment programs to help young mothers manage their symptoms:

  • Residential treatment program
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Separate men’s and women’s rehab
  • Telehealth program
  • Aftercare program

If you are experiencing depression after birth, there’s no need to struggle alone and risk neglecting yourself or your child. Call (866)262-0531 today to speak with our compassionate staff about enrolling in our depression treatment center.

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Postpartum Depression Treatment

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