Residential Treatment
Panic attacks involve intense, paralyzing perceptions of fear without the immediate threat of danger. A person having a panic attack is unable to control this fear despite their best efforts. Panic attacks usually last several minutes or longer and impair people’s ability to function. Experiencing a panic attack can be frightening and often causes residual anxiety that it will happen again. The good news is that panic disorder treatment can effectively reduce the occurrence of panic attacks. If you are concerned that you are experiencing panic attacks, contact Crestview Recovery in Portland to speak with a mental health professional. Mental health treatment in Portland can offer relief to people struggling with panic disorders.

At Crestview Recovery, we have experts in mental health treatment standing by our clients. With holistic and evidence-based treatment options, we can provide relief from your anxiety disorder. Please don’t live with your panic disorder any longer. Contact Crestview Recovery at (866)262-0531 to learn about our treatment options.

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A panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that causes panic attacks. These are sudden feelings of terror when no immediate danger is present. Because of that, intense fear can trigger severe physical reactions. It can make people feel like they’re experiencing a heart attack, losing control, or dying. Searches for panic attacks, anxiety, and insomnia have risen dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In most cases, people experience panic attacks only once or twice in their lives. Then, the terror goes away, usually when the stress dissipates. However, those who experience these attacks many times or for long periods may have panic disorder. At this point, they need panic disorder treatment to regain control.

Panic Disorder Treatment


Panic attacks can begin anytime, anywhere. For example, they may occur while driving, sleeping, or shopping. The symptoms typically peak within minutes and cause fatigue when they end. Alongside the above symptoms, other common signs include:

  • Pounding, rapid heart rate
  • Chest pain
  • Hot flashes or sweating
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abdominal cramps and nausea
  • Headache or dizziness
  • Feeling frozen or unable to move

Researchers don’t know the cause of panic disorders or attacks for certain. However, some factors are major stress, genetics, sensitivity to stress, a tendency for negative emotions, and changes to brain function. In any case, a panic disorder treatment program can help people manage this disorder and its symptoms.


Overall, the purpose of panic disorder treatment is to reduce people’s panic attacks and improve how they function daily. Depending on each person’s needs, the main treatment options are medications, therapy, or both.


Unfortunately, medications can’t cure panic disorder. However, they can control some of the symptoms that occur. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a type of antidepressant that can reduce the intensity. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors have the same benefit but act differently in the body.


Most of the time, counseling is the cornerstone of a panic disorder treatment program. The reason is that it helps people understand the condition and attacks so that they can cope better.

As a staple, cognitive behavioral therapy uses the person’s own history to show them that their symptoms aren’t dangerous. Therapists or counselors recreate the symptoms safely and repetitively until the panic attacks resolve. They also use techniques that help people overcome fears of things that they’ve avoided. Furthermore, they teach coping skills that improve how people deal with the onset of symptoms. At Crestview Recovery, we offer a combination of holistic and evidence-based treatment options, such as:

  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Yoga therapy

To determine what treatment combination would work best for your needs, please reach out to Crestview Recovery today.


It’s common for people with panic disorder to turn to drugs for relief. When they develop an addiction, it makes panic disorder treatment more difficult. If they only address one issue, though, the untreated issue can make them relapse. However, dual diagnosis treatment can address both issues at the same time.

A good first step in treating panic disorder is finding a therapist or counselor to develop a treatment plan and help you implement it. In the best-case scenario, you can do this before you develop an addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, this isn’t always possible. Fortunately, at Crestview Recovery, we offer treatment for panic disorder alone or as a dual diagnosis.

Panic Disorder Treatment


When you’re ready to get help for panic disorder, don’t wait. Crestview Recovery offers an anxiety treatment program that can help you manage this condition and anxiety-related mental health concerns. We also provide dual diagnosis treatment for people struggling with panic disorder and substance use disorder. A few of our treatment programs include:

  • Women’s treatment program
  • Men’s treatment program
  • Family therapy program
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Extended care treatment
  • Aftercare

Once we understand your needs, the team at Crestview Recovery will customize your treatment plan. We use a range of traditional and holistic services based on your needs. For instance, we provide individual counseling, group counseling, nutrition therapy, massage therapy, and much more.

Don’t let panic attacks determine what you do in life. Get the panic disorder treatment that you need today. Call (866)262-0531 to learn more about our panic disorder treatment program at Crestview Recovery.

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Panic Disorder Treatment Center in Portland

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