Cocaine Side Effects

People who abuse cocaine use it to experience an intense, short-lived high. They might not know about all of the side effects that come with abusing the drug. It’s these cocaine side effects that can prove to be harmful. Some of the effects impact users right away, while others take some time to develop.

About Cocaine Addiction

As with many other drugs, cocaine addiction can happen surprisingly quickly. Some people become hooked after just a few uses.

People have various reasons for abusing cocaine. Those in high-pressure jobs with demanding hours may take cocaine in an effort to maintain their performance. Others use it to contribute to their party lifestyle that calls for all-nighters, or to suppress their appetite so they can lose weight.

Maybe you know someone who justifies their use by saying they only do it occasionally. However, they’ll still feel the side effects of cocaine abuse. Without treatment, use will turn into dependency, and eventually into addiction.

Short- and Long-Term Cocaine Side Effects

Short-term effects someone may feel when abusing cocaine include increased excitability and talkativeness. Their pupils will dilate, and they’ll feel warm. Since the drug is a stimulant, other cocaine side effects include increased wakefulness and some anxiety.

The longer a person uses cocaine, the more side effects they may experience, including long-term impacts on their health. These include physical and psychological effects, such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Organ damage
  • High blood pressure
  • Severe depression
  • Mood disturbances
  • Confusion

Addiction is also one of the long-term cocaine side effects people experience. Over time, users feel increasingly anxious and irritable. They’ll spend more time and resources on the drug, leading to financial, personal, and workplace problems.

Additionally, cardiac arrest is a leading killer of people who abuse the drug, particularly when they combine the drug with other substances like alcohol or heroin.

If you or someone you know continues using despite suffering ill health and other negative consequences, then getting into treatment can be lifesaving.

Begin Your Journey to Lasting Recovery

Are you looking for a crack cocaine addiction rehab program in Portland, Oregon? Crestview Recovery offers effective treatment for many different substances. We provide individualized care in a region that has fewer treatment options than other areas of the country. Clients come to us from throughout Oregon, Montana, and Idaho in an effort to find lasting recovery.

Our treatment programs include:

Our friendly and caring professionals will design a personalized treatment plan that focuses on your needs. This may include trauma therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Our primary aim is helping you overcome the addiction that’s taken over your life.

You can start over — we’ll show you how. Contact us today at 866.262.0531 for more information. At Crestview Recovery, you can take your first steps toward long-term sobriety.

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Cocaine Side Effects

People who abuse cocaine use it to experience an intense, short-lived high. They might not know about all of the side effects that come with abusing the drug. It's these cocaine side effects that can prove to be harmful. Some of the effects impact users right away, while others take some time to develop.

About Cocaine Addiction

As with many other drugs, cocaine addiction can happen surprisingly quickly. Some people become hooked after just a few uses.

People have various reasons for abusing cocaine. Those in high-pressure jobs with demanding hours may take cocaine in an effort to maintain their performance. Others use it to contribute to their party lifestyle that calls for all-nighters, or to suppress their appetite so they can lose weight.

Maybe you know someone who justifies their use by saying they only do it occasionally. However, they’ll still feel the side effects of cocaine abuse. Without treatment, use will turn into dependency, and eventually into addiction.

Short- and Long-Term Cocaine Side Effects

Short-term effects someone may feel when abusing cocaine include increased excitability and talkativeness. Their pupils will dilate, and they'll feel warm. Since the drug is a stimulant, other cocaine side effects include increased wakefulness and some anxiety.

The longer a person uses cocaine, the more side effects they may experience, including long-term impacts on their health. These include physical and psychological effects, such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Organ damage
  • High blood pressure
  • Severe depression
  • Mood disturbances
  • Confusion

Addiction is also one of the long-term cocaine side effects people experience. Over time, users feel increasingly anxious and irritable. They'll spend more time and resources on the drug, leading to financial, personal, and workplace problems.

Additionally, cardiac arrest is a leading killer of people who abuse the drug, particularly when they combine the drug with other substances like alcohol or heroin.

If you or someone you know continues using despite suffering ill health and other negative consequences, then getting into treatment can be lifesaving.

Begin Your Journey to Lasting Recovery

Are you looking for a crack cocaine addiction rehab program in Portland, Oregon? Crestview Recovery offers effective treatment for many different substances. We provide individualized care in a region that has fewer treatment options than other areas of the country. Clients come to us from throughout Oregon, Montana, and Idaho in an effort to find lasting recovery.

Our treatment programs include:

Our friendly and caring professionals will design a personalized treatment plan that focuses on your needs. This may include trauma therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Our primary aim is helping you overcome the addiction that's taken over your life.

You can start over — we'll show you how. Contact us today at 866.262.0531 for more information. At Crestview Recovery, you can take your first steps toward long-term sobriety.

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