Dealing with a Technology Addiction

If you use technology in unhealthy or compulsive ways, your behavior may affect your social and occupational functioning. During the pandemic, people rely even more on social media for a feeling of human connection. In Oregon, Crestview Recovery offers treatment options and support for those who are ready to break that addiction and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Need to know more about addiction treatment programs? Call us today at 866.262.0531.

What Is Social Media Addiction or Technology Addiction?

Technology addiction is a rapidly-expanding area of treatment in many areas of the country. The use of always-connected computers, coupled with access to smartphones on a 24-hour basis, makes it very hard for people to stop using technology. Over time, you may be so used to using it that it is hard to stop. The critical component of any addiction is recognizing that engaging in it has negative consequences, but you feel the need to do so anyway. Even though you do not have a physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms, you still feel the need to use it.

There isn’t a substantial amount of research on social media addiction or technology addiction, as it is a relatively new phenomenon. However, there are some studies that suggest that it is a real problem for many people. A study from the University of Maryland found that about 8.5% of American adults show at least some symptoms of problematic Internet use. Another study from the same university found that about 5.8% of American adults show at least some symptoms of problematic social media use.

There are a number of different treatments for social media addiction or technology addiction. Some people may need to go to counseling or therapy to help them deal with the underlying issues that are causing them to turn to technology to cope. Others may need to take a break from using technology altogether, or at least limit their use to certain times of day. If you think you may be addicted to social media or technology, it is important to talk to someone who can help you figure out the best way to deal with it.

How Can You Get Help for Addiction Like This in Oregon?

Social media addiction is a type of behavioral addiction that causes problems in people’s lives. If it does, that may make it even harder for you to work through treatment or to avoid missing out in life. For those reasons, don’t overlook the importance of getting help now. We can help you through programs such as these here in Oregon:

Symptoms of Technology Addiction

Because this is a rather new area of addiction treatment, it’s hard to know if you have this condition just by listing a few simple factors. What’s most important is understanding how much you are using technology or, more specifically, social media for some people. Here are some symptoms of this condition:

  • Engaging in constant use of social media
  • Connecting to social network sites at school or work
  • Checking instant messaging apps all of the time
  • Uploading numerous selfies or posts each day
  • Neglecting other types of responsibilities due to social media use

There are some physical signs that can develop in some people as well. For example, the constant use of technology may make it hard for you to sleep well. Developing insomnia is not uncommon. Some people also engage in social withdrawal. Instead of seeing people in person and interacting with them, they favor just connecting online. Depression and other mental health disorders may also occur, increasing the need for mental health treatment and addiction programs.

When Do You Need Help for Social Media Addiction in Oregon?

It’s hard to say when a person should engage in social media addiction treatment or any other type of behavioral addiction. Often, you know there is a problem because your family and friends tell you about it. You may notice your health is declining. You may even find yourself simply unable to engage with other people. You feel a desire – sometimes a powerful desire – to use social media or technology for everything and all of the time.

Social media and technology addiction like this can lead to problems with communication. It may limit your ability to maintain relationships. It can lead to depression and social anxiety, showing the need for depression treatment programs and anxiety treatment programs.

Find the Support You Need When You Call Crestview Recovery

a man wearing blue shirt talking to a group of patientsDo you have a social media addiction? If you are worried that technology addiction is negatively affecting your life, an Oregon treatment program might help you. We can provide you with exceptional support as you work to change your behavioral addictions into something positive. You can learn more about the help we offer at Crestview Recovery. Reach out online or call us at 866.262.0531 for an appointment.

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Dealing with a Technology Addiction

If you use technology in unhealthy or compulsive ways, your behavior may affect your social and occupational functioning. During the pandemic, people rely even more on social media for a feeling of human connection. In Oregon, Crestview Recovery offers treatment options and support for those who are ready to break that addiction and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Need to know more about addiction treatment programs? Call us today at 866.262.0531.

What Is Social Media Addiction or Technology Addiction?

Technology addiction is a rapidly-expanding area of treatment in many areas of the country. The use of always-connected computers, coupled with access to smartphones on a 24-hour basis, makes it very hard for people to stop using technology. Over time, you may be so used to using it that it is hard to stop. The critical component of any addiction is recognizing that engaging in it has negative consequences, but you feel the need to do so anyway. Even though you do not have a physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms, you still feel the need to use it.

There isn't a substantial amount of research on social media addiction or technology addiction, as it is a relatively new phenomenon. However, there are some studies that suggest that it is a real problem for many people. A study from the University of Maryland found that about 8.5% of American adults show at least some symptoms of problematic Internet use. Another study from the same university found that about 5.8% of American adults show at least some symptoms of problematic social media use.

There are a number of different treatments for social media addiction or technology addiction. Some people may need to go to counseling or therapy to help them deal with the underlying issues that are causing them to turn to technology to cope. Others may need to take a break from using technology altogether, or at least limit their use to certain times of day. If you think you may be addicted to social media or technology, it is important to talk to someone who can help you figure out the best way to deal with it.

How Can You Get Help for Addiction Like This in Oregon?

Social media addiction is a type of behavioral addiction that causes problems in people's lives. If it does, that may make it even harder for you to work through treatment or to avoid missing out in life. For those reasons, don't overlook the importance of getting help now. We can help you through programs such as these here in Oregon:

Symptoms of Technology Addiction

Because this is a rather new area of addiction treatment, it's hard to know if you have this condition just by listing a few simple factors. What's most important is understanding how much you are using technology or, more specifically, social media for some people. Here are some symptoms of this condition:

  • Engaging in constant use of social media
  • Connecting to social network sites at school or work
  • Checking instant messaging apps all of the time
  • Uploading numerous selfies or posts each day
  • Neglecting other types of responsibilities due to social media use

There are some physical signs that can develop in some people as well. For example, the constant use of technology may make it hard for you to sleep well. Developing insomnia is not uncommon. Some people also engage in social withdrawal. Instead of seeing people in person and interacting with them, they favor just connecting online. Depression and other mental health disorders may also occur, increasing the need for mental health treatment and addiction programs.

When Do You Need Help for Social Media Addiction in Oregon?

It's hard to say when a person should engage in social media addiction treatment or any other type of behavioral addiction. Often, you know there is a problem because your family and friends tell you about it. You may notice your health is declining. You may even find yourself simply unable to engage with other people. You feel a desire – sometimes a powerful desire – to use social media or technology for everything and all of the time.

Social media and technology addiction like this can lead to problems with communication. It may limit your ability to maintain relationships. It can lead to depression and social anxiety, showing the need for depression treatment programs and anxiety treatment programs.

Find the Support You Need When You Call Crestview Recovery

a man wearing blue shirt talking to a group of patientsDo you have a social media addiction? If you are worried that technology addiction is negatively affecting your life, an Oregon treatment program might help you. We can provide you with exceptional support as you work to change your behavioral addictions into something positive. You can learn more about the help we offer at Crestview Recovery. Reach out online or call us at 866.262.0531 for an appointment.

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