Depression and Drug Abuse in Teens: What You Should Know

Treating teen depression is essential for teens whose symptoms are impacting their development and education. The teenage years can be especially difficult for teens as they grow and experience new sensations and feelings. If they don’t understand their emotions or have difficulty fitting in with others, it can lead to depression, which can negatively impact their mental health. If you suspect your teen is struggling with depression, a teen treatment program can prevent their symptoms from worsening and leading to substance use.

Crestview Recovery supports teens 18 and over who are depressed and have developed an addiction to alcohol, cannabis, ADHD medication, or other narcotics. Our co-occurring disorder program treats the physical and mental aspects of addiction and the mental health disorder that is fueling it. Teens will work with a therapist in private and group therapy sessions where they will learn healthy coping skills and a new positive outlook on their future. To learn more about our teen treatment program, fill out our online form or call 866.262.0531 today to see how we can benefit your teen son or daughter’s development.

Recognizing Teen Depression

It can be difficult to recognize teen depression as many teens will experience changing emotions and new sensations as they develop and interact with their peers. While everyone will experience depression once in a while, those feelings will typically improve after a few days or weeks. Teens who experience long-lasting depression may not have the communication skills necessary to express their feelings and will turn to drugs or alcohol to feel better.

Teen mental health cases are on the rise as teens struggle to cope with everyday stresses and their changing minds. If you suspect your teen son or daughter is struggling with depression, here are some of the common signs of teen depression:

  • Feeling anxious or helpless
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Lack of interest in favorite activities
  • Withdraws from friends and family
  • Thoughts of suicide or fantasizes death

If left untreated, depression can lead to substance use and worsen their depression. At Crestview Recovery, our therapists have experience treating a co-occurring disorder in teens through our residential and outpatient treatment programs. We build trust and open communication with your teen and teach them how to express themselves appropriately.

Treating Depression and Drug Abuse in Teens

Teens as young as 11 are trying drugs and alcohol for the first time all across the country. The intoxicating effects can be very addictive to teens and their developing minds. This is especially those who are depressed or struggle with social anxiety.

Teen depression and substance use cases are treatable and give your teen the skills and confidence to stop the abuse and continue with their education and development. The skills they learn today will benefit them now and well into the future.

Here are some of the best methods used for treating depression and drug abuse in teens:

Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the top therapies available. It can treat substance use, depression, PTSD, and other mental health disorders in teens. Therapists talk with teens in private to uncover the root cause of the depression. They then begin processing those feelings without causing any negative behaviors or cravings.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Teens who abuse drugs and alcohol will experience strong withdrawals and cravings for several weeks when they stop the abuse. What’s the safest way to get through withdrawals? By enrolling in a teen mental health program that uses medication to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Medication can also reduce depressive symptoms that interfere with the recovery process.

Family Therapy

An important part of addiction recovery is including parents and siblings in the process. All family members will have a chance to speak with a therapist to vent any frustrations or anger. Once this happens, they can then begin healing. They will learn all about addiction and how it affects everyone in the family. Also, they’ll discover how to create a stable and sober home environment.

Join Our Teen Treatment Program at Crestview Recovery

a group of teens smiling

At Crestview Recovery, we support teen boys and girls who are struggling with substance use caused by depression, a traumatic event, or other mental health disorders. Co-occurring disorder in teens is treatable through a combination of different therapies and medical support. Teens will participate in behavioral and holistic therapies through group and private sessions run by a certified behavioral therapist with experience treating teens and their families.

Pick up the phone and call 866.262.0531 today to schedule a tour and discover how we can benefit your teen’s development and education.

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Depression and Drug Abuse in Teens: What You Should Know

Treating teen depression is essential for teens whose symptoms are impacting their development and education. The teenage years can be especially difficult for teens as they grow and experience new sensations and feelings. If they don’t understand their emotions or have difficulty fitting in with others, it can lead to depression, which can negatively impact their mental health. If you suspect your teen is struggling with depression, a teen treatment program can prevent their symptoms from worsening and leading to substance use.

Crestview Recovery supports teens 18 and over who are depressed and have developed an addiction to alcohol, cannabis, ADHD medication, or other narcotics. Our co-occurring disorder program treats the physical and mental aspects of addiction and the mental health disorder that is fueling it. Teens will work with a therapist in private and group therapy sessions where they will learn healthy coping skills and a new positive outlook on their future. To learn more about our teen treatment program, fill out our online form or call 866.262.0531 today to see how we can benefit your teen son or daughter's development.

Recognizing Teen Depression

It can be difficult to recognize teen depression as many teens will experience changing emotions and new sensations as they develop and interact with their peers. While everyone will experience depression once in a while, those feelings will typically improve after a few days or weeks. Teens who experience long-lasting depression may not have the communication skills necessary to express their feelings and will turn to drugs or alcohol to feel better.

Teen mental health cases are on the rise as teens struggle to cope with everyday stresses and their changing minds. If you suspect your teen son or daughter is struggling with depression, here are some of the common signs of teen depression:

  • Feeling anxious or helpless
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Lack of interest in favorite activities
  • Withdraws from friends and family
  • Thoughts of suicide or fantasizes death

If left untreated, depression can lead to substance use and worsen their depression. At Crestview Recovery, our therapists have experience treating a co-occurring disorder in teens through our residential and outpatient treatment programs. We build trust and open communication with your teen and teach them how to express themselves appropriately.

Treating Depression and Drug Abuse in Teens

Teens as young as 11 are trying drugs and alcohol for the first time all across the country. The intoxicating effects can be very addictive to teens and their developing minds. This is especially those who are depressed or struggle with social anxiety.

Teen depression and substance use cases are treatable and give your teen the skills and confidence to stop the abuse and continue with their education and development. The skills they learn today will benefit them now and well into the future.

Here are some of the best methods used for treating depression and drug abuse in teens:

Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the top therapies available. It can treat substance use, depression, PTSD, and other mental health disorders in teens. Therapists talk with teens in private to uncover the root cause of the depression. They then begin processing those feelings without causing any negative behaviors or cravings.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Teens who abuse drugs and alcohol will experience strong withdrawals and cravings for several weeks when they stop the abuse. What's the safest way to get through withdrawals? By enrolling in a teen mental health program that uses medication to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Medication can also reduce depressive symptoms that interfere with the recovery process.

Family Therapy

An important part of addiction recovery is including parents and siblings in the process. All family members will have a chance to speak with a therapist to vent any frustrations or anger. Once this happens, they can then begin healing. They will learn all about addiction and how it affects everyone in the family. Also, they'll discover how to create a stable and sober home environment.

Join Our Teen Treatment Program at Crestview Recovery

a group of teens smiling

At Crestview Recovery, we support teen boys and girls who are struggling with substance use caused by depression, a traumatic event, or other mental health disorders. Co-occurring disorder in teens is treatable through a combination of different therapies and medical support. Teens will participate in behavioral and holistic therapies through group and private sessions run by a certified behavioral therapist with experience treating teens and their families.

Pick up the phone and call 866.262.0531 today to schedule a tour and discover how we can benefit your teen's development and education.

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