Do I Need Addiction Treatment Programs? 5 Signs You Need Help

For many people, experimenting with drugs or alcohol seem like a rite of passage. They mentally compare their usage to their peers and feel they are doing nothing more than being sociable. At what point is your drinking something more than a way to loosen up at a social event? When do you accept that the prescription pills you take have become a crutch to function normally? If you recognize yourself falling into one more of the following behaviors, it may be time to ask yourself, “Do I need addiction treatment programs?”

An Oregon drug and alcohol rehab center like Crestview Recovery could be what you need to recover in a safe, structured environment.

1.  You Do Not Feel Like Yourself Without Drugs or Alcohol

When was the last time you woke up and did not immediately pour yourself a drink? Do you find yourself unable to function at work if you do not take a couple of prescription pills? Is it difficult for you to focus on conversations if you have not taken your substance of choice in the past few hours?

It’s easy for substance use to creep into our daily routine unnoticed. You may feel jittery or unfocused without using drugs or alcohol. If you go through physical signs of withdrawal every time you try to do something without using a substance, it’s probably time to ask, “Do I need addiction treatment programs?”

2. You Find Yourself Isolated From Friends and Family

Another sign you may have a problem is if you prefer spending time at home alone versus friends and family. Maybe someone said something to you the last time you spoke, and you attempted to laugh it off while panicking inside. You may avoid their company because you do not want questions about how much your situation has deteriorated. It seems more enjoyable to spend time alone or with those who have similar issues that you feel will not judge your substance use problems.

3. Your Substance Use Issues Impact Your Schoolwork or Job Performance

Constant alcohol and drug abuse impact the way our brain processes information. The brain cells eventually deteriorate, which can affect our ability to get work done on time or turn in school assignments. Your grades can end up sliding, or always feel too sick or unfocused to go to work.

Contact Crestview Recovery to regain control of your life.

4. You Minimize the Amount You Take Each Day

One reason substances like opioids are so devastating is how quickly the human body builds a tolerance to them. Those with drug abuse disorders end up needing more and more to achieve the same high. If you have a problem with alcohol, you may go on drinking binges that last days at a time. When asked, you may defend yourself by saying you only have a few drinks or take enough pills to manage your pain. It is difficult for you to be honest about the amounts you consume.

5. Your Health Suffers

Severe drug and alcohol abuse usually take a toll on the body. Heavy drinkers can end up damaging their liver because it cannot continue processing the amount of alcohol consumed daily. Some health issues often found in heavy drug users include lung disease, heart issues, and sleep disorders. Infants born from mothers who abuse drugs or alcohol can be born with dependency issues or congenital disabilities. Women who can’t keep themselves from taking a substance should ask themselves about whether they need an addiction treatment program to make sure they have a healthy baby.

Get Help With Your Addiction Problems at Crestview Recovery

Our Oregon rehab center offers a way for clients to recover from their substance use issues. We get them to recognize the patterns they unconsciously fell into. Crestview Recovery offers a variety of evidence-based and holistic therapy programs to help clients find their way to a place of healing. Programs include:

You can use the time in therapy to address other underlying issues to your addiction. If you say yes to the question, “Do I need an addiction treatment program?”, please call us today at 866.262.0531. Take advantage of the opportunity to live a better way of life.

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Do I Need Addiction Treatment Programs? 5 Signs You Need Help

For many people, experimenting with drugs or alcohol seem like a rite of passage. They mentally compare their usage to their peers and feel they are doing nothing more than being sociable. At what point is your drinking something more than a way to loosen up at a social event? When do you accept that the prescription pills you take have become a crutch to function normally? If you recognize yourself falling into one more of the following behaviors, it may be time to ask yourself, “Do I need addiction treatment programs?”

An Oregon drug and alcohol rehab center like Crestview Recovery could be what you need to recover in a safe, structured environment.

1.  You Do Not Feel Like Yourself Without Drugs or Alcohol

When was the last time you woke up and did not immediately pour yourself a drink? Do you find yourself unable to function at work if you do not take a couple of prescription pills? Is it difficult for you to focus on conversations if you have not taken your substance of choice in the past few hours?

It’s easy for substance use to creep into our daily routine unnoticed. You may feel jittery or unfocused without using drugs or alcohol. If you go through physical signs of withdrawal every time you try to do something without using a substance, it’s probably time to ask, “Do I need addiction treatment programs?”

2. You Find Yourself Isolated From Friends and Family

Another sign you may have a problem is if you prefer spending time at home alone versus friends and family. Maybe someone said something to you the last time you spoke, and you attempted to laugh it off while panicking inside. You may avoid their company because you do not want questions about how much your situation has deteriorated. It seems more enjoyable to spend time alone or with those who have similar issues that you feel will not judge your substance use problems.

3. Your Substance Use Issues Impact Your Schoolwork or Job Performance

Constant alcohol and drug abuse impact the way our brain processes information. The brain cells eventually deteriorate, which can affect our ability to get work done on time or turn in school assignments. Your grades can end up sliding, or always feel too sick or unfocused to go to work.

Contact Crestview Recovery to regain control of your life.

4. You Minimize the Amount You Take Each Day

One reason substances like opioids are so devastating is how quickly the human body builds a tolerance to them. Those with drug abuse disorders end up needing more and more to achieve the same high. If you have a problem with alcohol, you may go on drinking binges that last days at a time. When asked, you may defend yourself by saying you only have a few drinks or take enough pills to manage your pain. It is difficult for you to be honest about the amounts you consume.

5. Your Health Suffers

Severe drug and alcohol abuse usually take a toll on the body. Heavy drinkers can end up damaging their liver because it cannot continue processing the amount of alcohol consumed daily. Some health issues often found in heavy drug users include lung disease, heart issues, and sleep disorders. Infants born from mothers who abuse drugs or alcohol can be born with dependency issues or congenital disabilities. Women who can’t keep themselves from taking a substance should ask themselves about whether they need an addiction treatment program to make sure they have a healthy baby.

Get Help With Your Addiction Problems at Crestview Recovery

Our Oregon rehab center offers a way for clients to recover from their substance use issues. We get them to recognize the patterns they unconsciously fell into. Crestview Recovery offers a variety of evidence-based and holistic therapy programs to help clients find their way to a place of healing. Programs include:

You can use the time in therapy to address other underlying issues to your addiction. If you say yes to the question, “Do I need an addiction treatment program?”, please call us today at 866.262.0531. Take advantage of the opportunity to live a better way of life.

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