Emotional Sobriety is an Important Part of Recovery

A cornerstone of addiction recovery and substance use treatment involves the concept of emotional sobriety. Being emotionally sober means facing life’s obstacles without escaping into familiar but unhealthy emotional spirals that have a history of preventing growth and self-actualization in your life. It doesn’t mean limiting your emotions or preventing yourself from feeling them; it means not using them as a distraction from confronting the issues that really matter in your life. 

Managing Emotions for Long-Term Addiction Recovery

When you’re struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there are plenty of areas in life that can seem overwhelming. But you don’t have to deal with all of that alone. There are ways to get help. If you’re looking for substance use treatment centers, Portland, Oregon, has limited options. We recommend finding a rehab that promotes emotional sobriety in the following programs:

  • Addiction PHP
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Sober living
  • Long term rehab

Choosing the right location for both physical and emotional sobriety is so important. Even if you don’t use drugs or alcohol anymore once you get out of rehab, your emotional ties to those things and the people you associate with them could still be powerful. Breaking some or all of those ties is a way for you to get better. It is also a way to reduce the chance that you’ll have a life-altering relapse in the future. We want to help with your emotional sobriety, too.

Sober Is as Sober Does

Being physically sober means you don’t put harmful drugs and alcohol into your system. But there’s more to sobriety than just that. If you’re mentally focused on the kind of lifestyle where drugs and alcohol are disrupting your energy, it can be hard to break free. If you’re emotionally sober, though, as well as physically sober, you don’t look at things like drugs and alcohol the same way. Some of the strategies for staying sober may not seem necessary, but relapse starts long before you pick up the bottle or lighter.

Learn Best Practices for Emotional Sobriety

We want to help you find sobriety in more than just a physical way. It may not be easy, and it may take some time, but it’s definitely worth the effort. When you have a compassionate and caring group of professionals to help you, it also becomes much easier to focus on the kinds of things that are truly important in your life. Sobriety is important, and we’ll help you get to a place where that sobriety can be part of a long-term strategy of healthy living.

Choosing the Right Oregon Rehab

Your sobriety can depend on a number of things. Most importantly, you have to want to get better and live a clean and sober life. The addiction treatment professionals at Crestview can help you gain the tools you need to live with emotional sobriety. We can provide you with those tools and teach you how to use them the right way. To do that, we offer a lot of different kinds of therapy options, including:

  • Dual diagnosis therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Individual therapy

With all those options, there’s definitely something that will help you reach true levels of healthy sobriety in both a physical and an emotional way. You don’t have to handle those kinds of issues alone when you have us here to help you succeed. Getting started on your recovery is possible in ways you might not yet have imagined. We offer the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest at our Portland drug treatment center, along with the amenities and guidance you need to improve your health.

A Better Life Starts Here

As you recover, you can begin to focus on how to become and remain emotionally sober. Once you have that, you have the kinds of tools you need to stay physically sober as well. Whether you need help for yourself or trying to get help for a family member or other loved one, reaching out to a trusted treatment facility is the first step on the journey. It can seem scary to ask for help, and it’s not always easy, but getting the help you need is worth it in the long run. Our team is excited to help you get started!

Reach Out to Us at Crestview Recovery

You don’t have to let an addiction rule your life. When you choose the right drug rehab program, you can start living the rest of your life in a way you’ll be proud of down the road. Contact Crestview Recovery today at 866.262.0531, so you can get started down the road to a proper and long-term recovery. We want to see you succeed, and our dedicated addiction treatment professionals will work hard to give you the help and support you need to become and remain successful in your new, recovery-centered life.

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Emotional Sobriety is an Important Part of Recovery

A cornerstone of addiction recovery and substance use treatment involves the concept of emotional sobriety. Being emotionally sober means facing life's obstacles without escaping into familiar but unhealthy emotional spirals that have a history of preventing growth and self-actualization in your life. It doesn't mean limiting your emotions or preventing yourself from feeling them; it means not using them as a distraction from confronting the issues that really matter in your life. 

Managing Emotions for Long-Term Addiction Recovery

When you're struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there are plenty of areas in life that can seem overwhelming. But you don't have to deal with all of that alone. There are ways to get help. If you're looking for substance use treatment centers, Portland, Oregon, has limited options. We recommend finding a rehab that promotes emotional sobriety in the following programs:

  • Addiction PHP
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Sober living
  • Long term rehab

Choosing the right location for both physical and emotional sobriety is so important. Even if you don't use drugs or alcohol anymore once you get out of rehab, your emotional ties to those things and the people you associate with them could still be powerful. Breaking some or all of those ties is a way for you to get better. It is also a way to reduce the chance that you'll have a life-altering relapse in the future. We want to help with your emotional sobriety, too.

Sober Is as Sober Does

Being physically sober means you don't put harmful drugs and alcohol into your system. But there's more to sobriety than just that. If you're mentally focused on the kind of lifestyle where drugs and alcohol are disrupting your energy, it can be hard to break free. If you're emotionally sober, though, as well as physically sober, you don't look at things like drugs and alcohol the same way. Some of the strategies for staying sober may not seem necessary, but relapse starts long before you pick up the bottle or lighter.

Learn Best Practices for Emotional Sobriety

We want to help you find sobriety in more than just a physical way. It may not be easy, and it may take some time, but it's definitely worth the effort. When you have a compassionate and caring group of professionals to help you, it also becomes much easier to focus on the kinds of things that are truly important in your life. Sobriety is important, and we'll help you get to a place where that sobriety can be part of a long-term strategy of healthy living.

Choosing the Right Oregon Rehab

Your sobriety can depend on a number of things. Most importantly, you have to want to get better and live a clean and sober life. The addiction treatment professionals at Crestview can help you gain the tools you need to live with emotional sobriety. We can provide you with those tools and teach you how to use them the right way. To do that, we offer a lot of different kinds of therapy options, including:

  • Dual diagnosis therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Individual therapy

With all those options, there's definitely something that will help you reach true levels of healthy sobriety in both a physical and an emotional way. You don't have to handle those kinds of issues alone when you have us here to help you succeed. Getting started on your recovery is possible in ways you might not yet have imagined. We offer the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest at our Portland drug treatment center, along with the amenities and guidance you need to improve your health.

A Better Life Starts Here

As you recover, you can begin to focus on how to become and remain emotionally sober. Once you have that, you have the kinds of tools you need to stay physically sober as well. Whether you need help for yourself or trying to get help for a family member or other loved one, reaching out to a trusted treatment facility is the first step on the journey. It can seem scary to ask for help, and it's not always easy, but getting the help you need is worth it in the long run. Our team is excited to help you get started!

Reach Out to Us at Crestview Recovery

You don't have to let an addiction rule your life. When you choose the right drug rehab program, you can start living the rest of your life in a way you'll be proud of down the road. Contact Crestview Recovery today at 866.262.0531, so you can get started down the road to a proper and long-term recovery. We want to see you succeed, and our dedicated addiction treatment professionals will work hard to give you the help and support you need to become and remain successful in your new, recovery-centered life.

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