How Addictive Is Morphine?

Morphine is a powerful opioid-based analgesic drug used as a pain reliever by individuals experiencing debilitating physical pain. Given its high potency, morphine can turn out to be extremely addictive for long-term users. If you are wondering how addictive is morphine, here are a few basic facts that will help you understand the drug better.

How Addictive Is Morphine?

how addictive is morphine crestview recovery centerMorphine is a highly potent narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy plant. The GINAD, or Global Information Network About Drugs, also regards morphine as one of the most powerful opioid-based drugs available in the world. So, how exactly does morphine cause extreme drug dependency in users?

Morphine works by blocking the sensation of pain in the patient’s body. Furthermore, it soothes the central nervous system by slowing down respiration, blood pressure, and the heart rate. In addition, morphine also triggers the release of dopamine in your brain and induces a euphoric high.

As a result of high dopamine levels, morphine consumption can induce feelings of happiness. The user might then feel the urge to repeat the consumption of morphine to achieve a similar sense of elation. Over a period of prolonged use, morphine can end up becoming the primary gateway for the user to feel pleasure.

Its ability to create a powerful reward pathway within the user’s brain alone also answers the question of how addictive is morphine. In addition to depending on the drug for pain relief, individuals begin relying on the drug to feel happy or calm.

Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms

Morphine withdrawal symptoms are generally quite severe. Doctors often recommend waning down the dosage, instead of abruptly stopping consumption. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine addiction include:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Increase heart rate and blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Sweating and chills
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of concentration

Fighting Morphine Addiction at Crestview Recovery

Crestview Recovery is a morphine addiction rehab center that offers expert assistance to individuals struggling with morphine addiction. The center provides a 30-bed facility that helps people overcome their dependency on the drug through:

Crestview Recovery understands how addictive is morphine and offers a powerful selection of trauma therapies as well as dual diagnosis treatment programs. The experts focus on healing your mind and body through pleasurable experiences, such as skiing and snowboarding. Crestview Recovery also offers you a compassionate environment where you feel loved and cared for. The facility caters to clients from Portland, Seattle, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon.

Are you looking to overcome your morphine addiction and regain control over your life? When you’re ready to take the first step, get in touch with Crestview Recovery by calling 866.262.0531.

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How Addictive Is Morphine?

Morphine is a powerful opioid-based analgesic drug used as a pain reliever by individuals experiencing debilitating physical pain. Given its high potency, morphine can turn out to be extremely addictive for long-term users. If you are wondering how addictive is morphine, here are a few basic facts that will help you understand the drug better.

How Addictive Is Morphine?

how addictive is morphine crestview recovery centerMorphine is a highly potent narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy plant. The GINAD, or Global Information Network About Drugs, also regards morphine as one of the most powerful opioid-based drugs available in the world. So, how exactly does morphine cause extreme drug dependency in users?

Morphine works by blocking the sensation of pain in the patient’s body. Furthermore, it soothes the central nervous system by slowing down respiration, blood pressure, and the heart rate. In addition, morphine also triggers the release of dopamine in your brain and induces a euphoric high.

As a result of high dopamine levels, morphine consumption can induce feelings of happiness. The user might then feel the urge to repeat the consumption of morphine to achieve a similar sense of elation. Over a period of prolonged use, morphine can end up becoming the primary gateway for the user to feel pleasure.

Its ability to create a powerful reward pathway within the user’s brain alone also answers the question of how addictive is morphine. In addition to depending on the drug for pain relief, individuals begin relying on the drug to feel happy or calm.

Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms

Morphine withdrawal symptoms are generally quite severe. Doctors often recommend waning down the dosage, instead of abruptly stopping consumption. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine addiction include:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Increase heart rate and blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Sweating and chills
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of concentration

Fighting Morphine Addiction at Crestview Recovery

Crestview Recovery is a morphine addiction rehab center that offers expert assistance to individuals struggling with morphine addiction. The center provides a 30-bed facility that helps people overcome their dependency on the drug through:

Crestview Recovery understands how addictive is morphine and offers a powerful selection of trauma therapies as well as dual diagnosis treatment programs. The experts focus on healing your mind and body through pleasurable experiences, such as skiing and snowboarding. Crestview Recovery also offers you a compassionate environment where you feel loved and cared for. The facility caters to clients from Portland, Seattle, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon.

Are you looking to overcome your morphine addiction and regain control over your life? When you're ready to take the first step, get in touch with Crestview Recovery by calling 866.262.0531.

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