The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Addiction Recovery

People who struggle with mental health concerns are often more susceptible to becoming dependent on harmful psychoactive chemicals because drugs that alleviate pain, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion are easy to misuse. While some people who use drugs and alcohol don’t lose control of their lives, many of us do. If the drugs you use to manage the symptoms of a mental health concern are causing harm in your life, we want you to know that you have options like dual diagnosis treatment.

Having a substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health concern is known as a dual diagnosis. Regardless of which developed first, substance use disorder and mental health concerns are most effectively treated at the same time. Becoming dependent on a harmful psychoactive chemical can harm your cognition, physical health, relationships, and hope for the future.

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Before discussing the importance of dual diagnosis treatment, it is critical to understand that this kind of treatment is designed specifically to treat co-occurring disorders. This term indicates a situation in which a person experiences addiction alongside one or more emotional problems. Though the spectrum of possible conditions is quite vast, a few of the most common conditions you can experience include:


Many people take substances to alleviate the symptoms of depression, particularly stimulants, though some may also use alcohol and marijuana.


The emotional impact of stress is often so high that many people abuse substances to decrease their symptoms.

Anti-Social Disorders

Those with these disorders often behave in ways counter to society, such as abusing drugs.

Body Dysmorphia

People who poorly perceive their bodies may often use drugs to lose weight or to calm their anxiety.


The devastating effects of trauma – such as losing a loved one – may push a person to try various types of substances.

Find Portland Dual Diagnosis Rehab

Co-occurring disorders are difficult to manage without help. At Crestview, we offer treatment for mental health concerns as a primary diagnosis and as part of a dual diagnosis. People who experience them may find that they need treatment to not only avoid relapse but also to help move forward in their lives and nurture their potential. Many of these conditions cause individuals to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. That is why dual-diagnosis treatment is important for individuals who experience one or more of these conditions:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Personality disorders

In this situation, understanding the importance of dual diagnosis treatment is simple because it can help transform a person’s life for the better. While you are researching rehab facilities, make sure to choose a treatment center that provides treatment for co-occurring disorders so you can get the help you need to live a life free of addiction.

The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment for These Issues

Dual diagnosis treatment is the process of assessing and treating addiction and all underlying disorders at the same time. It starts by placing a person in professional psychological counseling with an expert to understand the extent of their addiction fully. Then, the counselor will use other treatment methods to gauge their emotional concerns. These various treatment methods include:


Cognitive-behavioral, integrative, and dialectical behavior therapy include one-on-one therapy sessions to address a multitude of concerns. Talking with a counselor to better understand the emotional impact of addiction, trauma, and mental health concerns can be life-changing.

Group Therapy

Having the support of a group can be a catalyst for many people struggling with their recovery. Alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, and 12-step groups can provide support, guidance, and community.


Those who have an imbalanced chemical state may need medication to help them effectively manage their symptoms and their lives.

Co-Occurring Conditions

When a person develops an addiction, the disease also impacts other elements of their psychological health. This condition is called a co-occurring disorder. It can make recovery very difficult for individuals. As a result, it is crucial to understand the importance of dual diagnosis treatment. Most rehab centers offer dual diagnosis treatment as a care option. It helps give you the best chance to recover. Read on to learn more about co-occurring disorders and how dual diagnosis treatment, depression treatment, and anxiety treatment can help you overcome addiction.

A high-quality dual diagnosis drug rehab can help a person regain a more stable lifestyle and mindset to fight addiction triggers. For example, a person who abuses drugs due to anxiety can learn coping mechanisms, such as meditation, that manage their worries instead.

Dual Diagnosis Recovery Starts Today

As you can see, the importance of dual diagnosis treatment is very high. If you find that you want this type of care, contact us at Crestview Recovery now by calling 866.262.0531. Our experts have years of experience with this treatment option and fully understand how to implement it for your needs. So please verify your insurance and make this vital investment in your health and recovery.

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The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Addiction Recovery

People who struggle with mental health concerns are often more susceptible to becoming dependent on harmful psychoactive chemicals because drugs that alleviate pain, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion are easy to misuse. While some people who use drugs and alcohol don't lose control of their lives, many of us do. If the drugs you use to manage the symptoms of a mental health concern are causing harm in your life, we want you to know that you have options like dual diagnosis treatment.

Having a substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health concern is known as a dual diagnosis. Regardless of which developed first, substance use disorder and mental health concerns are most effectively treated at the same time. Becoming dependent on a harmful psychoactive chemical can harm your cognition, physical health, relationships, and hope for the future.

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Before discussing the importance of dual diagnosis treatment, it is critical to understand that this kind of treatment is designed specifically to treat co-occurring disorders. This term indicates a situation in which a person experiences addiction alongside one or more emotional problems. Though the spectrum of possible conditions is quite vast, a few of the most common conditions you can experience include:


Many people take substances to alleviate the symptoms of depression, particularly stimulants, though some may also use alcohol and marijuana.


The emotional impact of stress is often so high that many people abuse substances to decrease their symptoms.

Anti-Social Disorders

Those with these disorders often behave in ways counter to society, such as abusing drugs.

Body Dysmorphia

People who poorly perceive their bodies may often use drugs to lose weight or to calm their anxiety.


The devastating effects of trauma – such as losing a loved one – may push a person to try various types of substances.

Find Portland Dual Diagnosis Rehab

Co-occurring disorders are difficult to manage without help. At Crestview, we offer treatment for mental health concerns as a primary diagnosis and as part of a dual diagnosis. People who experience them may find that they need treatment to not only avoid relapse but also to help move forward in their lives and nurture their potential. Many of these conditions cause individuals to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. That is why dual-diagnosis treatment is important for individuals who experience one or more of these conditions:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Personality disorders

In this situation, understanding the importance of dual diagnosis treatment is simple because it can help transform a person's life for the better. While you are researching rehab facilities, make sure to choose a treatment center that provides treatment for co-occurring disorders so you can get the help you need to live a life free of addiction.

The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment for These Issues

Dual diagnosis treatment is the process of assessing and treating addiction and all underlying disorders at the same time. It starts by placing a person in professional psychological counseling with an expert to understand the extent of their addiction fully. Then, the counselor will use other treatment methods to gauge their emotional concerns. These various treatment methods include:


Cognitive-behavioral, integrative, and dialectical behavior therapy include one-on-one therapy sessions to address a multitude of concerns. Talking with a counselor to better understand the emotional impact of addiction, trauma, and mental health concerns can be life-changing.

Group Therapy

Having the support of a group can be a catalyst for many people struggling with their recovery. Alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, and 12-step groups can provide support, guidance, and community.


Those who have an imbalanced chemical state may need medication to help them effectively manage their symptoms and their lives.

Co-Occurring Conditions

When a person develops an addiction, the disease also impacts other elements of their psychological health. This condition is called a co-occurring disorder. It can make recovery very difficult for individuals. As a result, it is crucial to understand the importance of dual diagnosis treatment. Most rehab centers offer dual diagnosis treatment as a care option. It helps give you the best chance to recover. Read on to learn more about co-occurring disorders and how dual diagnosis treatment, depression treatment, and anxiety treatment can help you overcome addiction.

A high-quality dual diagnosis drug rehab can help a person regain a more stable lifestyle and mindset to fight addiction triggers. For example, a person who abuses drugs due to anxiety can learn coping mechanisms, such as meditation, that manage their worries instead.

Dual Diagnosis Recovery Starts Today

As you can see, the importance of dual diagnosis treatment is very high. If you find that you want this type of care, contact us at Crestview Recovery now by calling 866.262.0531. Our experts have years of experience with this treatment option and fully understand how to implement it for your needs. So please verify your insurance and make this vital investment in your health and recovery.

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