Signs of a Drug Overdose [Infographic]

The end of the road for someone with a drug addiction is an overdose. Overdose occurs when a person consumes more of a substance than their body can handle, resulting in adverse side effects. Often, these side effects can lead to death without proper medical attention. It’s important to recognize the signs of a drug overdose so you can get your loved one the medical attention they need.

Common Signs of a Drug Overdose

The signs of an overdose depend heavily on the type of substance a person is using. For example, stimulants can cause the body to go into overdrive. They increase a person’s heart rate and body temperature, and they can trigger panic, paranoia, and anxiety. On the other end of the spectrum, sedatives decrease body temperature and heart rate which can result in the person losing consciousness.

Across the board, one of the most common signs of a drug overdose is vomiting. During a drug overdose, the body has an abundance of toxins in its system. Vomiting is the body’s way of trying to purge itself of those toxins. Unfortunately, the body’s way of trying to save itself can also be one of the most dangerous drug overdose symptoms.

You often hear about it with alcohol poisoning, but it’s true for any sort of drug overdose. If a person is experiencing an overdose, it’s important to lay them on their side rather than their back because they could choke on their own vomit in their sleep. This is famously how musicians Jimi Hendrix and John Bonham died.

What To Do During an Overdose

If someone near you is experiencing an overdose, it’s important to call 911. Many people fail to call emergency services because they fear prosecution for drug possession. However, many states and college campuses now have laws that protect drug users from prosecution if they call for help during an overdose. With better addiction education, the spread of knowledge about the signs of a drug overdose and the laws protecting drug users can help save thousands of lives.

After the Overdose

If someone you love recently suffered from an overdose and survived, then it’s time to get help. Often, an overdose is the wakeup call a person needs to start addressing their problems. At Crestview Recovery in Portland Oregon, we help individuals and families begin healing.

Our programs teach clients how to overcome their substance addictions and learn comprehensive relapse prevention techniques that promote long-lasting sobriety. If you’re ready to begin this journey, then give Crestview Recovery a call today at 866.262.0531. Don’t let overdose claim the life of someone you love. Learn to recognize the signs of a drug overdose and reach out to us now.

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Signs of a Drug Overdose [Infographic]

The end of the road for someone with a drug addiction is an overdose. Overdose occurs when a person consumes more of a substance than their body can handle, resulting in adverse side effects. Often, these side effects can lead to death without proper medical attention. It’s important to recognize the signs of a drug overdose so you can get your loved one the medical attention they need.

Common Signs of a Drug Overdose

The signs of an overdose depend heavily on the type of substance a person is using. For example, stimulants can cause the body to go into overdrive. They increase a person’s heart rate and body temperature, and they can trigger panic, paranoia, and anxiety. On the other end of the spectrum, sedatives decrease body temperature and heart rate which can result in the person losing consciousness.

Across the board, one of the most common signs of a drug overdose is vomiting. During a drug overdose, the body has an abundance of toxins in its system. Vomiting is the body’s way of trying to purge itself of those toxins. Unfortunately, the body’s way of trying to save itself can also be one of the most dangerous drug overdose symptoms.

You often hear about it with alcohol poisoning, but it’s true for any sort of drug overdose. If a person is experiencing an overdose, it’s important to lay them on their side rather than their back because they could choke on their own vomit in their sleep. This is famously how musicians Jimi Hendrix and John Bonham died.

What To Do During an Overdose

If someone near you is experiencing an overdose, it’s important to call 911. Many people fail to call emergency services because they fear prosecution for drug possession. However, many states and college campuses now have laws that protect drug users from prosecution if they call for help during an overdose. With better addiction education, the spread of knowledge about the signs of a drug overdose and the laws protecting drug users can help save thousands of lives.

After the Overdose

If someone you love recently suffered from an overdose and survived, then it’s time to get help. Often, an overdose is the wakeup call a person needs to start addressing their problems. At Crestview Recovery in Portland Oregon, we help individuals and families begin healing.

Our programs teach clients how to overcome their substance addictions and learn comprehensive relapse prevention techniques that promote long-lasting sobriety. If you’re ready to begin this journey, then give Crestview Recovery a call today at 866.262.0531. Don’t let overdose claim the life of someone you love. Learn to recognize the signs of a drug overdose and reach out to us now.

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