Underage Drinking Statistics

From teenage years to adulthood, our kids go through tremendous transitions. It puts a lot of stress on our young people. Sometimes, the stress translates to illicit behaviors like taking drugs and drinking while underage. One look at recent underage drinking statistics gives us a pretty clear idea of exactly what kinds of issues we are facing as a society. The discussion below will delve into 2017 teen drinking statistics and what you can do as a parent.

Underage Drinking Statistics From CDC

Every year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases information about teen drinking statistics. As a parent, you need to be aware of this information. It’s not always easy for parents to know what’s going on in their teenager’s lives. You must be diligent if you have any expectation of getting your children safely to adulthood.

As a point of reference, here are a few teen drinking statistics out of the CDC’s 2017 Annual Report:

  • Underage drinking is illegal, yet underage drinkers accounted for 11% of all alcohol consumption in America
  • Underage drinkers typically consume more alcohol per drinking episode on average than adults
  • In the 30 days prior to the underage drinking statistics survey, 30% of teens reported drinking alcohol
  • 14% of those who reported drinking confirmed it was binge drinking
  • 6% of all teens who drank 30 days before the survey reported drinking while drunk

For people living in Oregon, it should be clear why teen alcohol abuse Portland, Oregon programs exist.

Getting Help for Your Teen

If your teen has become a member of the current teen drinking statistics, they may need help from an alcohol addiction rehab center Portland, Oregon location. Remember, your child is not bad if they have a drinking problem. They have fallen victim to alcohol addiction. Your job as a parent is to remove your child’s place among the current underage drinking statistics as fast as possible.

In rehab, your teenage will get a chance to work through their issues and learn the truth about their addiction. If their drinking problem is significant, they might well go through a detox program. After detoxing, they will get the opportunity to work with addiction counselors who will help them understand their addiction and learn how to avoid relapses. Mom and Dad: this is likely the only way back for your child.

Making a Difference at Crestview Recovery

In our facility, we are well aware of what underage drinking statistics are saying. It’s for that reason that we provide teen alcohol rehab center Portland, Oregon services. For your edification, here’s a quick look at what we offer in response to teen drinking statistics:

  • Partial hospitalization
  • intensive outpatient
  • Standard Outpatient programs
  • Family therapy
  • Aftercare programs

If your child has secured their spot among the CDC’s underage drinking statistics, they need help now. As their parent, you have a responsibility to get them the treatment they need. If Crestview Recovery can be of assistance, please call us at 866.262.0531.

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Underage Drinking Statistics

From teenage years to adulthood, our kids go through tremendous transitions. It puts a lot of stress on our young people. Sometimes, the stress translates to illicit behaviors like taking drugs and drinking while underage. One look at recent underage drinking statistics gives us a pretty clear idea of exactly what kinds of issues we are facing as a society. The discussion below will delve into 2017 teen drinking statistics and what you can do as a parent.

Underage Drinking Statistics From CDC

Every year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases information about teen drinking statistics. As a parent, you need to be aware of this information. It's not always easy for parents to know what's going on in their teenager's lives. You must be diligent if you have any expectation of getting your children safely to adulthood.

As a point of reference, here are a few teen drinking statistics out of the CDC's 2017 Annual Report:

  • Underage drinking is illegal, yet underage drinkers accounted for 11% of all alcohol consumption in America
  • Underage drinkers typically consume more alcohol per drinking episode on average than adults
  • In the 30 days prior to the underage drinking statistics survey, 30% of teens reported drinking alcohol
  • 14% of those who reported drinking confirmed it was binge drinking
  • 6% of all teens who drank 30 days before the survey reported drinking while drunk

For people living in Oregon, it should be clear why teen alcohol abuse Portland, Oregon programs exist.

Getting Help for Your Teen

If your teen has become a member of the current teen drinking statistics, they may need help from an alcohol addiction rehab center Portland, Oregon location. Remember, your child is not bad if they have a drinking problem. They have fallen victim to alcohol addiction. Your job as a parent is to remove your child's place among the current underage drinking statistics as fast as possible.

In rehab, your teenage will get a chance to work through their issues and learn the truth about their addiction. If their drinking problem is significant, they might well go through a detox program. After detoxing, they will get the opportunity to work with addiction counselors who will help them understand their addiction and learn how to avoid relapses. Mom and Dad: this is likely the only way back for your child.

Making a Difference at Crestview Recovery

In our facility, we are well aware of what underage drinking statistics are saying. It's for that reason that we provide teen alcohol rehab center Portland, Oregon services. For your edification, here's a quick look at what we offer in response to teen drinking statistics:

  • Partial hospitalization
  • intensive outpatient
  • Standard Outpatient programs
  • Family therapy
  • Aftercare programs

If your child has secured their spot among the CDC's underage drinking statistics, they need help now. As their parent, you have a responsibility to get them the treatment they need. If Crestview Recovery can be of assistance, please call us at 866.262.0531.

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