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What Is Biking Therapy?

Did you know that there's more to rehab than just traditional therapy? A number of the best rehab centers around the country offer holistic treatment options too. One form of holistic care that has grown in popularity is biking therapy. However, what is biking therapy and how can it help people with addiction?

What Is Biking Therapy?

It doesn't take too much to figure out that biking therapy involves the use of a bike. With that said, most people don't understand how going for a bike ride is therapeutic.

Biking therapy is a holistic treatment that focuses on healing the body as a whole. After all, biking provides many great benefits for physical and mental well-being.

During a bike therapy session, people typically go on rides in groups. Rather than talk about their issues, the goal is to relax. Although talking is still part of the sessions, it's not the same type of talking.

Instead, they get to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. Being out in the sun during physical exercise does wonders for people's moods.

Why Does Biking Therapy Work?

With so many rehab centers offering bike therapy, it's pretty apparent that it works in at least some regard. However, why does a biking therapy program work at all? To understand why, people have to understand how exercise helps those with addiction.

During exercise, the brain produces and releases dopamine and other endorphins into the brain. These endorphins are the same ones that the brain releases when people take addictive drugs. As a result, exercise makes people feel good, so what is biking therapy if not exercise?

Why Is Biking Therapy Good for Those Who Struggle With Addiction?

The key to the effectiveness of biking therapy isn't so much that it treats addiction. Instead, the key is how it helps people with underlying issues. A lot of those who suffer from addiction also struggle with depression. Biking therapy is a good activity to counteract the related symptoms.

Also, biking is an excellent hobby for people to get into once they leave rehab. Having a hobby fills their free time so that they don't think about drugs. The less they think about drugs, the less likely they are to relapse.

Let Us Demonstrate How Holistic Therapies and Activities Can Help You

At Crestview Recovery, we offer both traditional and holistic treatment options. Our goal is to provide the tools that you need to get your life back on track. In order to achieve this goal, we offer a wide range of programs to aid your journey. When you visit our rehab center, you'll see that some of the programs that we offer include:

Don't settle for rehab centers that only offer traditional programs. Learn more about what is biking therapy to decide if it's the right fit for you. Reach out to us today at 866.262.0531 so that we can show you what we have to offer.

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