Xanax and Alcohol

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a drug used to treat severe anxiety and panic disorders. Xanax is extremely addictive; anyone who uses Xanax is at risk of developing a chemical dependency. We know that alcohol use is one of the leading causes of death in Portland every year. Mixing Xanax and alcohol is absolutely an indication of substance use disorder. These two drugs can be deadly when taken without other dangerous substances. The combination of these two drugs can literally shut down the human body. At Crestview Recovery, we are here to help you learn about the effects of Xanax and alcohol and provide help through our drug addiction rehab center

Dangers of Xanax

Ordinarily, alcohol is viewed as a happy “spirit” adults drink to celebrate and be social. In fact, Forbes reported that alcohol use rose 11 points to 73 percent of Americans in 2017. While legal at age 21, alcohol isn’t an entirely safe substance. Specifically, people who drink heavily can develop dependence and poison their system. Even worse, making drug combos like Xanax and alcohol can prove deadly.

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a prescription drug intended to treat anxiety. In detail, it’s a benzodiazepine that releases the brain’s GABA chemical to stop panic. Usually, prescribed patients swallow one Xanax pill of 0.25 to 3.0 milligrams. However, there’s moderate abuse potential to crush, sniff, and inject larger doses. As a result, users experience a “high” with uninhibited feelings of calm and relaxation.

Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

If taken separately and in moderation, alcohol and Xanax can help some people cope with minor stress. Yet, the health risks when they’re taken together are astronomical. First of all, they’re both depressants that decrease activity in the body. Hence, it’s possible for users to become fully sedated and unconscious with big doses. Actually, severe blackouts could make you slip into a coma or stop breathing.

Of course, ingesting Xanax and alcohol long term will wreak havoc on your organs. Given that, entering a Xanax or an alcohol treatment center is key. Chiefly, your liver may become diseased from metabolizing these substances. Not to mention, you could suffer brain damage from seizures. At the present time, perhaps the biggest danger is drunk driving. Unfortunately, thousands die each year in car accidents while driving impaired.

Abuse Warning Signs

Fortunately, the symptoms of dependency on these substances are easy to recognize. Indeed, doses of Xanax and alcohol will get you drunk faster. For example, you’ll become drowsy and limp with relaxed muscles. Further, your breathing and pulse will become shallow. Likewise, you’ll experience vertigo or dizziness like a spinning room. Other common indicators include:

  • Slurring speech
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Delirious visions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Aggressive anger
  • Fuzzy memories
  • Depressed mood

Another red flag of alcohol and Xanax dependence is withdrawal. To clarify, you’ll become sick and crave the substances whenever you skip a dose or drink. Typically, withdrawal appears like a bad flu with soreness, tremors, and intense sweating. Moreover, you could experience panic attacks, seizures, and insomnia without the Xanax. So, medical detox centers are the safest way to withdraw.

Treatment For Addiction

man standing on a rock at the seaHave you been blending benzos with alcohol? Then, Crestview Recovery can help you nix this dangerous habit. Markedly, our Portland rehab center addresses all addictions with leading Pacific NW services. Whether inpatient or out, Crestview clients comfortably work through the roots of their substance use. We apply evidence-based methods in abundant treatment options, such as:

Don’t keep experimenting with Xanax and alcohol. After all, feeling euphoria for a short time is never worth your life. Instead, come to Crestview Recovery for one-on-one therapeutic guidance after detox. Right away, contact 866.262.0531 to start your new sober lifestyle.

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Xanax and Alcohol

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a drug used to treat severe anxiety and panic disorders. Xanax is extremely addictive; anyone who uses Xanax is at risk of developing a chemical dependency. We know that alcohol use is one of the leading causes of death in Portland every year. Mixing Xanax and alcohol is absolutely an indication of substance use disorder. These two drugs can be deadly when taken without other dangerous substances. The combination of these two drugs can literally shut down the human body. At Crestview Recovery, we are here to help you learn about the effects of Xanax and alcohol and provide help through our drug addiction rehab center

Dangers of Xanax

Ordinarily, alcohol is viewed as a happy “spirit” adults drink to celebrate and be social. In fact, Forbes reported that alcohol use rose 11 points to 73 percent of Americans in 2017. While legal at age 21, alcohol isn’t an entirely safe substance. Specifically, people who drink heavily can develop dependence and poison their system. Even worse, making drug combos like Xanax and alcohol can prove deadly.

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a prescription drug intended to treat anxiety. In detail, it’s a benzodiazepine that releases the brain’s GABA chemical to stop panic. Usually, prescribed patients swallow one Xanax pill of 0.25 to 3.0 milligrams. However, there’s moderate abuse potential to crush, sniff, and inject larger doses. As a result, users experience a “high” with uninhibited feelings of calm and relaxation.

Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

If taken separately and in moderation, alcohol and Xanax can help some people cope with minor stress. Yet, the health risks when they’re taken together are astronomical. First of all, they’re both depressants that decrease activity in the body. Hence, it’s possible for users to become fully sedated and unconscious with big doses. Actually, severe blackouts could make you slip into a coma or stop breathing.

Of course, ingesting Xanax and alcohol long term will wreak havoc on your organs. Given that, entering a Xanax or an alcohol treatment center is key. Chiefly, your liver may become diseased from metabolizing these substances. Not to mention, you could suffer brain damage from seizures. At the present time, perhaps the biggest danger is drunk driving. Unfortunately, thousands die each year in car accidents while driving impaired.

Abuse Warning Signs

Fortunately, the symptoms of dependency on these substances are easy to recognize. Indeed, doses of Xanax and alcohol will get you drunk faster. For example, you’ll become drowsy and limp with relaxed muscles. Further, your breathing and pulse will become shallow. Likewise, you’ll experience vertigo or dizziness like a spinning room. Other common indicators include:

  • Slurring speech
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Delirious visions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Aggressive anger
  • Fuzzy memories
  • Depressed mood

Another red flag of alcohol and Xanax dependence is withdrawal. To clarify, you’ll become sick and crave the substances whenever you skip a dose or drink. Typically, withdrawal appears like a bad flu with soreness, tremors, and intense sweating. Moreover, you could experience panic attacks, seizures, and insomnia without the Xanax. So, medical detox centers are the safest way to withdraw.

Treatment For Addiction

man standing on a rock at the seaHave you been blending benzos with alcohol? Then, Crestview Recovery can help you nix this dangerous habit. Markedly, our Portland rehab center addresses all addictions with leading Pacific NW services. Whether inpatient or out, Crestview clients comfortably work through the roots of their substance use. We apply evidence-based methods in abundant treatment options, such as:

Don’t keep experimenting with Xanax and alcohol. After all, feeling euphoria for a short time is never worth your life. Instead, come to Crestview Recovery for one-on-one therapeutic guidance after detox. Right away, contact 866.262.0531 to start your new sober lifestyle.

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