It can be hard to know when it’s time to ask for help with your drinking, especially if you’ve had periods of sobriety in your life in the past. If the amount that you’ve been drinking makes you uncomfortable, it’s a good idea to learn more about the signs of a drinking problem. If you decide that it’s time for you to give addiction treatment a try, our alcohol rehab center near Blaine, Crestview Recovery, is here to help you get your life back together. We know that it’s not comfortable to ask for help, and we’re glad you’re taking the time to research Washington substance use treatment programs.

Healing Begins Here

Call Crestview Recovery Today. (866)262-0531

Do I Need Treatment?

lake view outside alcohol rehab center near Blaine, WashingtonIf you’re considering getting help at our alcohol rehab center near Blaine, you may be wondering whether your drinking is bad enough to necessitate seeking professional treatment. You may be considering the Washington rehab center after an embarrassing night out with friends, in which you overdid it with your drinking. Perhaps you’ve taken a look at your bank account and see the amount of money you’ve been spending on alcohol. Maybe your drinking has gotten you in trouble at work, or you’ve received a citation for driving under the influence. No matter what your current situation, if your drinking feels out of control, we’re here to help.

Whether you have alcohol use disorder or are showing signs of problem drinking, there are several indicators that your relationship with alcohol is not good. Symptoms of an issue with drinking include:

  • Being out of control when drinking
  • Wanting to quit (telling yourself or others that you’ll never drink again) but feeling unable to stick to it
  • Focusing on when you’ll be able to drink, for example, spending the workweek laser-focused on Friday night, or craving a drink the moment you walk in the door at the end of the day
  • Problems with relationships, including romantic relationships as well as relationships with friends and family members

Of course, no two people experience problem drinking or alcoholism in the same way. Some of these criteria may apply to you, while others may not. Regardless of how many signs of problem drinking you may show, it’s key to ask yourself whether you feel comfortable with the amount you drink. If the answer is no, or if you hesitate to answer the question, you could benefit from rehab programs and addiction therapy in WA.

Treatment At Our Alcohol Rehab Center Near Blaine

When you enter treatment at Crestview Recovery, our alcohol rehab center near Blaine, you’ll meet with a counselor. Together, you’ll work to create a treatment plan that makes sense for you. Most of our clients go through a variety of modalities of treatment, including:

As you progress through treatment at the alcohol rehab center near Blaine, you’ll meet with your counselor regularly to ensure that you’re continuing on the path to recovery. We’ll be with you every step of the way to help you discover and develop the coping skills that you need to live a healthy, sober life. We believe that recovery is possible for you, no matter how far gone you may feel.

You’re Ready For Change. Call Us.

If you feel that it’s time to make a positive change in your life, our alcohol rehab center near Blaine is here to help. When you call Crestview Recovery at 866.262.0531, you’ll talk with one of our caring admissions counselors who will then give you more information on our treatment options. Remember, there’s no pressure when you call. We’re here to provide you with information and guidance you need to help you decide whether treatment is a good fit for your life at this time.

If you’re going back and forth about whether you need to enter treatment at our alcohol rehab center near Blaine, contact Crestview Recovery professionals. We care about your well-being, and we believe in your ability to get your life back on track, one healthy decision at a time.

Crestview Addiction Treatment Programs

Crestview offers a wide array of addiction treatment programs and options. The concept is to offer the ability to develop a custom program that allows each individual the best opportunity at developing a foundation for lasting recovery. By offering the full continuum of care, Crestview affords the ability to offer a one-stop solution for all your recovery needs.

The Premise Of 12-step Recovery

The Premise Of 12-step Recovery

The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous created the 12 Steps as guidelines for the best way to beat alcohol addiction. Because the program was such a success, other groups adapted the steps to guide individuals with various addictions.

Mental Health Treatment

Mental Health Treatment

If mental illness is hindering you from enjoying experiences and negatively affecting your day-to-day life, our team of therapists at Crestview Recovery offers a fresh, clinical approach to outpatient mental health services.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Crestview Recovery’s dual diagnosis treatment program, provides a pathway to hope, adventure, and a robust recovery network. Recognizing the critical link between mental health and substance use, our program is designed to address both.

Monitoring and Support

Monitoring and Support

Continued testing and weekly case manager calls are recommended for the first 6 plus months of sobriety. Slips can happen, it’s important to keep your loved one accountable and this level of support helps accomplish that.

Alumni and Family Program

Alumni and Family Program

The family and Alumni program helps to create a sense of belonging and create an environment at home that is conducive to lasting sobriety. We take great pride in both these programs and encourage you to participate.

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Alcohol Rehab Center Near Blaine

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