When people suffer from addiction, rehab treatment is the best option. However, some people don’t get rehab, because they don’t think that they can afford it. What they don’t know is that there are many ways to go about paying for rehab. Knowing these options can make seeking treatment less scary.


People often think that they can save money if they handle addiction treatment themselves. In theory, this may sound like a good idea. However, the plan starts to fall apart when the cravings get out of hand and there’s no accountability net in place.

People have to think about paying for rehab as an investment in their future. Yes, the upfront cost is expensive. However, getting clean usually saves them money in the long run. Some of the ways that drug and alcohol treatment can do that include:

  • No longer needing to buy drugs or alcohol
  • Avoiding legal trouble
  • Getting better grades in school and college (not dropping out and wasting tuition)
  • Not losing their jobs as a result of drug use
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If people have trouble paying for rehab, there are a few options that they can consider. For example, outpatient rehab is generally less expensive than inpatient rehab. Both are effective options that cater to different needs.

The typical cost of inpatient rehab is several hundred dollars a day. The cost for outpatient rehab could be up to a couple hundred. Sometimes the answer to affording rehab is simply choosing a treatment plan that fits the budget.


Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all insurance companies have to provide coverage for drug addiction treatment. When people consider rehab, they should check their insurance policies to see what kind of rehab coverage that they have. In most cases, insurance companies cover some of the rehab stay, if not all of it.

Before choosing a rehab center, people also have to make sure that the center accepts their insurance. Not all rehab centers accept all insurance policies. A simple check can save them a lot of hassle later on.

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Even if individuals don’t have insurance that covers their rehab stay, there are other ways to afford it. For example, getting substance use treatment is worth dipping into a savings account for. Many people keep a “rainy day” fund, and addiction causes dark clouds to gather pretty quickly.

Asking for help from a friend or family member is also a good option. Everyone needs a little help from time to time. If family members can kick in a little money for treatment, suddenly rehab is much more affordable.

Getting a personal loan is also an option. It’s an easy way to come up with a large sum of money quickly that can be paid back later. While some people don’t like loans, getting one for addiction treatment is a good investment.

In addition, people can try to work out a payment plan with the rehab center. Some rehab centers offer payment plans to finance patient stays. These plans are a great way for people to get treatment without having to break the bank.



One of the best ways to afford rehab is to choose a facility that offers affordable pricing. At Crestview Recovery, we strive to make addiction care affordable for everyone. We accept many insurance plans in an effort to make treatment available for more people.

Crestview Recovery also creates customized treatment plans for all of our clients. We pull from our list of diverse programs to design treatment plans that address our client’s needs, including:

  • Aftercare treatment
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Extended care
  • Individual and group therapy

Don’t let addiction keep you from living your life to the fullest. Get the treatment that you deserve at Crestview Recovery. Reach out to us today at (866)262-0531, and let us help you find the path to recovery.

Paying for Rehab

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