Entering an inpatient mental health rehab is a significant step toward healing and recovery. Whether you’re preparing for your first stay or returning for further support, it’s essential to know what to bring and what not to bring.

Crestview Recovery is a specialized facility licensed to treat a wide range of mental health disorders, making it one of the few in the Portland area to offer this level of care. This guide will help you pack appropriately, so you can focus on your treatment and well-being.

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What to Bring to Inpatient Mental Health Rehab

Packing the right items for inpatient rehab is key to ensuring you feel comfortable and prepared for your stay. Here’s a comprehensive list of what you should bring when entering Crestview Recovery’s inpatient mental health program.

Since you’ll be participating in various therapeutic activities and spending time in communal spaces, it’s important to pack comfortable clothes that are also relatively modest. Many inpatient rehabs, including Crestview Recovery, have guidelines about what is appropriate to wear. Be sure to pack items that align with the following recommendations:

  • Loose-fitting pants, leggings, or shorts
  • T-shirts, long sleeves, or sweatshirts
  • Comfortable shoes such as sneakers, slippers, or sandals
  • A light jacket or sweater, as Portland weather can be unpredictable
  • Pajamas, undergarments, and socks

Crestview recommends packing enough clothing for at least one week. Laundry facilities are typically available, so you can wash and reuse your items.

Maintaining personal hygiene is a critical part of self-care during your stay. However, it’s essential to know that many inpatient rehabs, including Crestview Recovery, have rules regarding which personal care products are allowed. Items that contain alcohol (e.g., certain mouthwashes or hair sprays) are typically not permitted. Here’s a general list of toiletries you should bring:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash (alcohol-free)
  • Deodorant (alcohol-free)
  • Comb or brush
  • Lotion (fragrance-free is often recommended)
  • Feminine hygiene products (if applicable)
  • Razor and shaving cream (check with staff beforehand)

Ensure that all of your personal hygiene products are in their original packaging and unopened before arriving.

When you check in at Crestview Recovery, you’ll need to provide some documentation. Make sure to bring the following:

  • A government-issued photo ID (e.g. driver’s license, passport)
  • Your insurance card and information about your coverage
  • A list of emergency contacts
  • Any pre-approved paperwork from your healthcare provider, such as a medical release or prescriptions

Crestview’s admissions team will work closely with you to ensure your insurance is processed properly, and they’ll also verify coverage with your provider.

If you are currently prescribed medications for any mental health or physical health conditions, bring them with you. Crestview Recovery will have a dedicated medical team responsible for managing your medications, so it’s important that they are aware of everything you’re taking. Ensure your medications are:

  • In their original, labeled bottles
  • Accompanied by a list of dosages and instructions from your doctor

Crestview’s medical team will review your medications upon arrival and ensure you receive the proper doses during your stay.

Many people find journaling helpful while in inpatient rehab. It’s a great way to process your thoughts, reflect on therapy sessions, and track your progress. Bringing a notebook or journal can provide a creative outlet during your downtime and help you develop coping skills through writing.

Crestview Recovery often encourages quiet reading as part of the healing process. If you enjoy reading, bring one or two books that inspire you, help you relax, or provide mental stimulation. However, keep in mind that some rehab centers have rules about the types of materials allowed. Stick to books that are uplifting, educational, or therapeutic in nature.

Being in a new environment can sometimes feel overwhelming. To help ease your transition, consider bringing a few personal comfort items from home:

  • A small blanket or pillow (if permitted)
  • Photos of loved ones
  • A stuffed animal

These small items can make your stay at Crestview feel more like home and provide emotional comfort.

While in inpatient rehab, you’ll have opportunities to stay in contact with your support network. Make sure you have a list of phone numbers for family members, friends, or anyone else you’d like to stay in touch with during your stay. Crestview Recovery will provide structured times for phone calls or visits, depending on your treatment plan.

What NOT to Bring to Inpatient Mental Health Rehab

While it’s important to bring certain items, there are also things you should leave at home. Here are some common items that are generally prohibited in inpatient rehabs like Crestview Recovery:

Most inpatient rehabs, including Crestview, restrict the use of cell phones and other electronics to ensure that patients stay focused on their recovery. You’ll likely be asked to store your phone upon arrival, and you’ll have access to it at designated times.

It’s recommended that you leave valuable items (such as jewelry, expensive watches, and large amounts of cash) at home. Crestview Recovery aims to create a safe and trusting environment, but it’s always best to avoid bringing anything you could worry about losing.

Any over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, or non-prescribed drugs should not be brought with you. Crestview Recovery’s medical team will provide approved medications as part of your treatment plan, so there’s no need to bring these on your own.

While it might be tempting to bring snacks or your favorite drinks, most inpatient facilities provide well-balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Bringing outside food or beverages is often not allowed to ensure the health and safety of all residents.

To ensure the safety of all clients and staff, sharp objects (such as scissors, knives, or glass items) and any type of weapon are strictly prohibited. Crestview Recovery has zero tolerance for items that could pose a danger to anyone.

Understanding Inpatient Mental Health Rehab at Crestview Recovery

At Crestview Recovery, residential mental health treatment is designed to offer a structured, supportive environment where you can focus on your mental health without distractions. During your stay, you will work closely with therapists, counselors, and medical professionals who specialize in mental health disorders.

The environment at Crestview Recovery is calm, comfortable, and safe, encouraging healing through evidence-based therapy modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), group therapy, and more. The goal is to provide a holistic approach to mental health treatment that addresses the underlying causes of mental health issues while teaching you practical coping strategies for long-term recovery.

man in individual therapy

FAQ For Checking Into Inpatient Mental Health Rehab

As you prepare for inpatient treatment, you may have questions about what to expect. Here are some commonly asked questions about rehab for mental health:

Yes. In most cases, inpatient rehabs have shared rooms. Having a roommate can provide an opportunity for mutual support and connection during treatment. Crestview Recovery carefully matches roommates to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

The length of your stay will depend on your individual treatment plan. Crestview Recovery offers personalized treatment, which means some individuals may benefit from shorter stays, while others may need extended care. Our longest stay for residential rehab is our 90-day drug rehab program. The team will work with you to determine the best length of stay for your needs.

Yes. Crestview Recovery allows visitors, but there are specific guidelines. Family visits are encouraged, especially if they are part of your therapy. However, visiting hours are structured to allow you to focus on your treatment and recovery.

At Crestview Recovery, you’ll receive a combination of evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy, and individual counseling. Each treatment plan is tailored to address your specific mental health needs.

Crestview Recovery is committed to providing ongoing support even after your inpatient treatment ends. Aftercare planning, outpatient therapy, and follow-up support are all available to help you maintain progress once you leave the facility.

Call Crestview Recovery Admissions With Your Questions

Packing for inpatient mental health rehab may seem overwhelming, but following our guide will help ensure you’re prepared for your stay at Crestview Recovery. By focusing on comfort, practicality, and adherence to the facility’s guidelines, you can make the most of your experience and concentrate on your mental health journey.

Contact our team if you have any additional questions. Crestview Recovery’s compassionate team is here to support you every step of the way toward healing and lasting recovery.

What to Pack for Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

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